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I took a sip of the coffee, "....and that's how she had a panic attack."
David kept his mug back on the table, "Eric you know what it means! Something very horrible has happened to her!"
"I know! She mentioned that she was running away from a certain place when she was caught. And there were six men! David can you believe it! Six men torturing a fifteen years old."
He sighed and leaned forward, keeping a reassuring hand on mine, "Tross is investigating well. I think we should pass on this information to him."

My head snapped at him, "No David! It's not my place. I told you everything because I trust you with her. I don't trust any other man...and she will despise me once she knows I investigated behind her back."

"Eric that means you would let those bastards go! Just like that!"
I shook my head exasperated, "That's what kills me David. If I sit quietly, my soul would curse me every minute, and if I do something, Erica would leave this time, I am sure!"

"But what if those men pose some future threat on her. What would you do then?", That was a point!
"What should I do then?"
He sat up, "If it was for Venus, I would have searched hell and heaven for those men. Not because I wanted revenge, but for her safety! And I would advise you the same. Hide it from Erica! Because ultimately you are doing it for her...I know it involves risking your relationship. But Eric lives are more important than relationships. Life once lost can never be brought back, however relationship can be mended! And I believe and have faith, your love with Erica would never allow you both to drift apart!"

Love was a heavy word. I may have asked her to be my girlfriend but it was because I wanted to keep her with me, I have this strange fear in me that if something will happen to her, I would be dead and not because of some strange feeling called love. I am incapable of loving...

We heard some voice and I became instantly alert hoping it is not Erica. God forbid if she heard us.
But thankfully it was Venus!

"David let's go....! Eric...don't forget the date tonight. And go and calm her nerves, she's already freaking out."

"When will you both return?", They both were going to invite Venus's very far aunt, who was her only guardian and now lived in States for their wedding. The place is eight hours away.

"May be by tomorrow evening!", David mused.

"David you should have taken the jet! Eight hours car drive! Are you both serious? Take Mason, my driver instead. Stephan and Henry are with me!"

David narrowed his eyes at me, "Are you planning to take Stephan and Henry to your date!? I swear I would strangle you Eric! And yeah, we don't need driver!", He pulled Venus to him, "It will be like a long drive for both of us... we'll enjoy! Don't worry!"

I nodded and the two left after David bickering with me on which car he will take. I suggested the SUV for such a long distance, but he didn't want to take heavy cars. This man is insane.

I went back to my room, only to find Erica not absent. Then I went to her room, and saw a pile of dresses scattered over the bed. And she was pacing around the bed and talking to herself.

"I won't wear blue! I am tired of it! Black one is too long...hard to manage! The white one I already wore once....if I go and ask him, he will pull something blue, with a 'blue suits you'...", She freaking mimicked my voice.

I cleared my throat and her snapped in my direction, "What's wrong? Who are you so angry at?"

She smiled briefly, "I am not angry. I am just unable to decide a dress for myself..."

I pulled out my phone from the pocket, and dialled a number.
"Eric Ashton here!"
"Oh hi sir! The stuff has been sent. You must be receiving it any time now."
"Ok good!"
I hung up.

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