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"Why are you here!?", I glared at him.

Pissed off would be an understatement.
He first squeezes the hell out of me that my hands still have the burning sensation. Then he comes with his apologies. I only know how I escaped from that facade of his.
And now here he is, with his, "I brought us food Erica!".

Either he thinks I am fool, or he has some personality disorder.

Keeping the good manners aside, I forwarded to close the door on his face, only for him to act instantly and keep his foot on the way.

I was feeling so much hatred towards him right now. And anger.
"Erica please!", He made a pout like a two years old and my brows furrowed.
"Why are you acting so good!? You want something!? Just tell me straight!", I growled at him.
"Entry at your place.", He answered quickly.
"And what makes you think I'll give it!?", I snarled.
"I am your boss!", He argued.
"You were!", I hissed.

He blinked few times as if contemplating for an answer.
And then said, "You look quite good in this, but It'll be better if you wear something else."

"Huh!?", I questioned in confusion.

And in reply, he leaned on the frame of the door smirking.

Realization dawned upon me, when I saw his eyes travelling up and down my body!

Open and swallow me up!

I was in a freaking bathrobe!

Without any second thought, I reached for the towel on the couch and ran back in my bedroom. And yeah! I heard someone chuckling.

Once in front of mirror, I saw how red I was. The embarrassment was so great to handle alone!

I took deep breaths thinking about other stuff so this would leave my mind but in vain.

I changed in a regular top and pants. I still have a lot of unpacking to do.

And to my wonder, my ex-boss aka tormentor already made him home on my couch shuffling through channels on the tv.

My face was again red, but this time due to anger!

How dare he!?

I forwarded to the place where he was sitting, "Sir! Let me tell you...!"
Like always I couldn't complete, because he pulled me beside him on the couch.

My breath hitched at that point.
What is happening!?

"Sit here quietly. Like a good girl.", He said and then from his jacket pulled out an ointment.
I was no doubtly confused unless he held my hands and then squeezed out some ointment.

"You don't need to...", I couldn't say anything again for he immediately shushed me.

Gently, he applied it on the red part that indicated his fingerprints. Not to forget, I winced endlessly, only for him to blow air on the wound.

If anyone sees this Eric Ashton, they'll think I am the villain here.
Inspite of me huffing and puffing in anger, he continued gently massaging.

The worst part of my being is, I am easily melted. Especially when brats like him do this kind of thing.
I shook my head to wash off this thought from my head. It's just a matter of time and he'll be back to his "don't come before me" attitude.

I looked away when he started speaking, "Erica I am sorry for the morning. I just didn't expect you to see in that room. You....", I didn't let him complete.

"It was not the first time. You hurt me physically today. You'd hurt me emotionally also. You have called me names I hate to hear. You have overworked me. You made me eat that spicy dish. In short, you hate me! And the reason, I don't know. Sir, if you can't do any good, then please don't do worse even.", I stood up taking back my hand from his, "...Now you can go. For I don't hold any grudges. That's not my way."

He sighed in reply, "Ok I accept. But believe me as soon as you left, my life turned upside down."
Hearing this, I nearly gasped.

"...Nonna, David, Mom, Dad everyone was yelling at me like they would eat me up."

Oh! That was why he is here apologizing to a low life like me.
Because he has been forced.
I should have known this!

"....I am very sorry...!", I stopped him by the action of my hand.
"You're here...So we could eat. Let's do.", I said as I grabbed the packet kept on the table.


She emerged with two plates from the kitchen.
Her face flashed hurt, but I don't know why.

"Erica...!", I tried to say something but she continued her work giving me no queue to continue.

She served the food, settling one plate before me.
Then she sat across me and started eating from her plate.

She was doing what I wanted but her face clearly showed she's hurt.
And it was so distinct because she didn't had this face earlier.
So doubt she was pissed off, irritated, angry, but this...

We finished eating in silence.
No words exchanged.

But I knew I still haven't been forgiven.

"Erica..I am here to help you to adjust things.", I made it up quickly.

I wanted to stay here as long as I can.

"No!", I nodded and stood up and headed towards the packed stuff and started unpacking it, "You know I don't take NO for an answer."

I swear I heard her curse me. But I couldn't help her smirking.

We both continued working.
I was adjusting things in the guest room, while she did in her bedroom.

Whenever I went to ask for her opinion, she would huff in annoyance and so I used my brain.
And thus, the guest room ended up like the one in my taste.

Taking a look at her bedroom, I knew she would like the way I arranged things.

No matter how much we annoyed each other, we had same tastes when it came to things.
And this was no different.

I called her to the guestroom, when everything was done.
"How's it Erica!?", I asked excited.
She didn't look at the room, instead kept on looking at me, "It's eww! Ugliest thing on earth! I feel like throwing up here!", as she made a face.

"In the room or on me!?", I asked well knowing the answer.
"Of course on you!", She smiled sickly.

I groaned but kept my annoyance in check.
She's mad at me, she's allowed to curse me.

Once finished with her dining room, I went in only to find her lying on her bed, sleeping innocently.

I couldn't help the smile that formed itself on my lips.
She looks so naive when sleeping.

I reached out for the duvet and covered her up.
Once done, I pulled out the box from my pocket and searching for a paper and pen, I wrote down what I wanted to say to her.

Once I came out after closing the door, I saw Stephan and Henry standing outside the door.

"Stephan! Stay here and guard the place. Tell me if you find something unsafe about this locality. When she wakes up tomorrow, offer her ride to dad's place because they're eager to have her on their anniversary. Henry will stay with me.", He saluted and I left.

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