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I wore the bathrobe over my pampered body and came out of the bathroom with a towel in my hand to dry up my hair. It feels different and fresh.

I was looking down when I came out, and out of nowhere I bumped into someone, leaving me shrieking loudly.

The person turned and I felt a sudden urge to hit him.
"Are you insane Eric! What is this way to barge in? What if I was naked?"

He shamelessly looked up and down my body, "I wouldn't mind that.."

"Go out if my room. I have to change."

"You have a walk in closet!", He pointed towards the door of the closet, "I am not going out of this room. You don't leave my room when I change!"

My eyes widened, "Eric! Seriously! We share that room, at your place... and I am not interested to watch you naked."

He rose his eyebrow in clear mock, "Because you know you will pounce on me the moment you see me naked!"

My face turned red and I picked up a pillow from the couch throwing in his direction, and then came in the closet.

'what on earth am I going to do with this man!', I mutter to myself.
Changing into a night dress, I went out of the closet only to find him lying flat on my bed.
Ruffled hair, tired eyes, curved lips, all staring back at me.

I went towards the bed, leaned in and kissed his lips. He grunts lightly, kissing me back the very instance.

"I told you to stay with your family Eric! Didn't I?", I scold him..
He turned on his front and kept his head on his hands, "They knew I can't stay without you.."

I shook my head.
"Nonna has sent dinner for both of us.", I heard him.

"Fine! I'll serve.."
"I'll make a coffee!"
"Remove your shirt, that wound needs to heal..", I said getting up the bed.
"Stop calling it wound. It's a tattoo. And I know you have got used to seeing me shirtless!", Oh yes! I did get used to it.

As I was serving food in the dining room, he came out shirtless and went in the kitchen. I like how he is moving around in my place, as if he owns it.
The thought warms me up, as well as amuses me ...

Minutes later, he came out with coffee mugs in his hands, and took a seat on the couch. I was about to sit beside him when he pulled me between his legs.
"C'mon feed me!"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop acting like a kid you dumbass! You have both your hands. Eat on your own."

He shrugged and sat quietly while I started eating. Two minutes into eating, and I groaned when I saw him sitting back like a king.

Can this man get any more ridiculous!?

I took a spoonful of pasta and shoved it in his mouth, "Eat you jerk!"
And that's how I ended up feeding him, while he smirked like the cunning ass he is, and laughing at me.


Venus called and I was talking to her.

"Bachelorette party? David agreed?", I asked shocked because that dickhead didn't want us to get our asses drunk. That's his language.

"Yeah he agreed!"

"But how?", I asked.

She laughed, "I threatened him that I will run away on the wedding day.."

I laughed back, amused on imagining how David must have reacted to the threat.

"But he got us a lounge booked, warning no men are allowed.", I rolled my eyes.

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