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I walked in the building, and everyone started greeting me.

I put invisible plugs in my ears and headed towards the reception.
Picking up my schedule planner, I went in the lift and then directly to the seventh floor.

As soon as I entered the ally, I found the two guys, Stephan and Henry standing both sides of the entrance.

I ignored them and went in.
When I passed by the restroom, I found the lights already on.
There's no one allowed on this floor except me, my brown haired PA, and now these two bodyguards.

I was walking towards my office, when my eyes widened as I saw my hard headed PA sitting on her table, busy making notes from the schedule planner.

It's not even six hours that I left the hospital, and she's already here. Doctor must have suggested some rest to her.

As if sensing my presence, she looked up.
Her eyes widened as if she wasn't expecting me, "Good mornin...."
"What are you doing here!?", I said in a stern voice.
She looked down, then briefly glanced at me, and then muttered, "Last time I checked, I am a PA to the would be CEO, he..."
"Don't act all sassy with me!", I gave her a pointed look, "My parents would lose all shit if they'll come to know I have their dearest working when not even twelve hours before she gulped a glass of poison."

"I am fine no....!", I interrupted.
"Explain that to your Sir James, and Jess!", I said and walked away.


"Sir James and Jess!", I imitated the voice of Godzilla.

I sat down again and began my work.

When it was time for his coffee and breakfast, I went in taking a coffee mug and tray with his breakfast.
He was on a call, so when I entered, he didn't acknowledge my presence.

I served him on the coffee table, and stood as usual.

He came rolling up his sleeves, still busy in the call.

He picked a slice of bread, and was about to put it in his mouth, when his hand stopped midway.

Oh god! Don't tell me he didn't like the appearance of the plate.

"Sit!", I heard something that I was sure is my hallucination.
"Huh!?", I couldn't help but repeat.

He looked at me with a fed up look, and then disconnected the call.

"Greatest Miss Erica Miller, Keep your butt on the couch!", He said with gritted teeth.

I gasped at his word, and my cheeks reddened.
However, this time my brain processed his word, so I sat down.

I gulped, due to nervousness.
I fidgeted with helm of my shirt.
Why I am so nervous around him!?

"Arcon's have invited for site seeing!?", He broke the silence.
"Yes si..!", I knew I'll be interrupted. I kinda expected.
"What should we use the land for!?", He asked monotonously.
And as my brain processed the words, gravity worked and my jaw fell on the floor.

The arrogant, brute, dominating, scary, intimidating Ashton, no no scratch that
'A-stone', wants my advice!?

He looked up and I collected myself, "S_Sir the land, they say was bought for some non-profitable purpose, so we could dedicate it for children suffering from Autism. It was sir James idea and he was quite excited...!"

"Enough information!", I suppressed the urge to role my eyes.

Once a brute, always a brute!

After the breakfast, we were scheduled to go for site seeing.
I hastily picked up my phone, and schedule planner and signalled the guys to follow.

Mr. Brute was wearing his sunglasses and walking with us after a bumpy car ride.
Thankfully I don't wear heels and just my converses.

When we were at the site, it was already very sunny and hot.
The two guys stood afar, as I narrated the conditions of the deal to the CEO of Arcons.
My boss was too generous to do a handshake.

Mr. Arcon agreed to all the terms and so we proceeded to see the area.

Now, the discomfort was resurfacing. My throat, chest and stomach started burning because of this heat. And probably excess reading.

My boss, not used to the season here, too removed his blazer and threw it on me.
The sun's rays were too flashy that I couldn't look up, and as expected Mrs. Hunger started her job of growling very well.

I continued my work of noting down essentials, as my boss walked by my side with the two guys following us.

My blinked my eyes several times, to count the levels of the buildings around but failed miserably because of the brightly shining sun.

I sighed defeated.

God! I hate field work.

Just as I started to try once more, my eyes landed on the sunglasses forwarded towards me.
I followed the hand to find my brute boss!

God! Just today I named him 'Mr. A-stone', don't make him prove otherwise.

I hesitantly took the sunglasses, and started my work.

When at office, I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face.
Imagine, Mr. A-stone is melting!

The intercom buzzed and I clicked the button, "Office now!"

I kept aside all thoughts, picked up his sunglasses so I could return them, and walked towards his office.

"Set up a meeting with Anderson's. Fax the deal documents to the finance department. Write a letter on my behalf to my grandfather. And then you and others can take a ten minutes lunch break.", I muttered a interrupted 'yes sir!', and then slowly placed his sunglasses on his table, "Thank you for this..."

He looked up at me with a wary look.
"You really think I am going to take it back...", Just when I started thinking he's gifting me his glasses, he blurted out, ".....After it has been touched by YOU!"

I looked at him confused, "Sure it is imported but it's quality decreased as it went to you...So back off madam. Keep it with you, or gift it to one of your hook ups."

I gasped internally at his words.
Too much bitterness.

What did I do to get financially shamed!?
Sure I don't own hundred companies, but that doesn't mean I am a trash!
He may be the son of James and Jessica, but in kindness, he's not even an atom of them.

There are just like those people who treated me like trash. The difference is, I managed to run from them, but ended up near him.

I didn't care whether he is my boss or not. And my eyes well portrayed the disbelief and hatred for him.

I picked up his 'imported' glass and mustering the full physical power I had, I broke it into two.

Then going to the dustbin in his cabin, I disposed the trash of the so called boss of mine.

I didn't spare him a glance.
I didn't want to.

And walked out of the office.

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