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I smiled as I had her in my embrace.
It's such a fulfilling feeling.

I don't generally hug people, but I never knew hugging my assistant will be so warm.

By the time, we broke our hug, the sun was already down the horizon, and the temperature was going down.

"We should leave now.", She nodded and we both got up removing grass from our clothes.

Such a beautiful day it was.

I made a mental note to never forget this day.

Once in the penthouse, she made a light dinner which we had in silence and retired to our bed.

As soon as I closed the door, I picked up the jacket on my bed.

It smells like her.

I scoffed at my thoughts.
What is happening to me!? I am acting like a love sick puppy.

I shook my head and got under the duvet, with images of the day.


"The Winston will fend to your needs and demands undoubtedly."
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, at their self appreciating attitude.

"You need to prove it, Mr. Winston.", I said.

"Ah yes of course! We will. Fifty percent shares of this project will do."

I looked at Erica who was frowning and clearly resisting the urge to speak up.

"Ok Mr. Winston. The meeting is adjourned for now. I'll tell my decision on phone."

"Ohkay!", And hesitantly he left the meeting room.

Erica started wrapping up her notes and other things, when I spoke up, "What do you suggest!?"

She looked at me for a while, "You're asking for my opinion."

"Ah I would have called dad, but I don't have much time. You have more experience here."

She hid a smirk of triumphant at my acceptance to which I narrowed my eyes.
"James never gave 50 percent shares. He said we need to be the leaders of the project. And so 51 percent is the minimum we should invest. Other 49 should be given to the other, or others if they are more than one."

I nodded at her, "Then inform him that. Start it from 49-51"

"You're taking my advice. I am flattered..", she chuckled amused.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Go and do your work assistant."
"Of course Boss!!", And she left the room.

When in the past Dad said she deserves a better post, I never thought about it. But now I realize, he was right.


"Erica!!!", I hear him call me, so leaving the food on the stove at an optimum temperature, I went towards his room.

I knock on the door and hear a 'come in'.

"Eee wear your shirt sir!", I started leaving the room as soon as my eyes fell on his shirtless figure.

"Erica don't be such a girl. Select some shirt for me.", I scoffed at him.

He is a grown up man, but can't even select a shirt for himself. And mind it, he doesn't have a wide variety to choose, just some black, blue and grey.

"Take this blue with your white bla....", i turned with the shirt, but my words halted when I found him just behind me.

Unwantedly my eyes fell on his left shoulder, where not an atom of skin was visible because of his tattoes.
Letters, numbers, pictures were all distinctly visible.
The one which caught my eyes was a little girl with huge wings, and a spear across her chest, from where blood was dripping.
There was also an 'EVE' highlighted in the centre.
There was a 12.6.97 carved.
How much it would have pained him!?
I don't understand why people wantedly endure so much physical pain.

"Erica!? My eyes are here.", I heard him and looked up only to find him smirking.
"Now I know you're straight.", He took the shirt from my hand and started wearing it but I snatched it back, "What is that supposed to mean!?"

He grinned, "You always seemed unaffected by my looks, so I thought may be you aren't interested in men."

I frowned at him, "Mr. Ashton! I have seen better!"
I was lying.

"Who!? That skinny Evans!?" Why does this topic always shifts to Evans.

I shook my head at him, "Why always Evans? He is quite a well mannered gentleman. And I like his company."

"Oh so he's your boyfriend!?"

"Just because I am appreciating him, doesn't mean I am dating also."

"Oh! You never appreciate me, and you aren't dating me. So the converse should be true."

Just then, we heard a fire alarm.

Our eyes widened, and we ran out of the room, only to find the smoke coming from kitchen.

"Oh shit! Our food!", I ran inside and turned off the knob of the gas.

"Oh wow excellent! Let's order takeout.", And he started making a call.

"Wait! Are you going somewhere!? I don't remember any engagement.", I said cleaning up.

"Uh...I am going on a date with Julia.", My hands halted.

What was I expecting!?
He won't of course delete his people just because they misbehave with me.
Also, I remember her making out with a stranger last time, and even he saw it.

"Ah...She was cheating on you the last time...", He stopped buttoning his shirt and looked up.

"Oh that's quite a common thing Erica. We are in an open relationship.", My eyes widened at his declaration.

"That means you too...!?", I hoped it was not.
But when he nodded in affirmation, I felt utter disgust..

He isn't a loyal partner!
And that gave me such a sick feeling in my stomach, that I walked away to my room.

Is he serious!?
This is ridiculous!


There was no better excuse for making her not wonder about my whereabouts.
I was actually going to meet a dermatologist, so I could personally explain the situation to him.

Julia was a cheating bitch, and I don't even look at her, lest other things.
But since Erica doesn't like Julia, it'll be good for her to think i am with her.

The doorbell rang and I went to take the food.

Once done, I went towards her door and knocked.
The expression she made on knowing I sleep around was hilarious.

"Erica the food is here.", She came out of her room, and took the packet from me.

"Serve it in the balcony.", She nodded still avoiding to look in my eyes.

I sat down as she arranged food and then settled across me.

Let's make it fun.

"So Erica I was telling Julia isn't that good on bed.", She gasped at my sentence and looked at me horrified.

"I am sorry for that. Let's eat.", I was amused at her reaction.

"Yeah! She just wears revealing clothes. There's nothing sexy about her."

She looked up at me, now with anger, "I pity you."

"Yeah you should. I mean just look at her. When on bed...."

The next thing is her hand straight landing on my mouth, "I don't want to know your life in bed. Find someone else."

"Aww poor you. I don't talk much to people. You're the first one I talk so much to."

"You know what, you'll be quiet unless you finish your food. And then leave quietly wherever you've to go. Understood!"

I raised my hand in air, "As you say my Majesty!"

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