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"This girl needs to know the cost of freedom!", The man yelled so loud, that all behind me flinched. And of course me.

I should have known this will happen.
This is my destiny and I can't run away from it.

"Remove your clothes!", My eyes widened at his command.
No way!

I held my clothes on my small frame tightly.

Truly, they were barely clothes.
For a fifteen years old, this dress seems like clothes of a doll. Barely covering my thighs and still growing breasts.

I gulped as the man proceeded towards me, "I said remove your clothes!"

"No No please! I am sorry! I will not run again."

I thought my pleads will work but instead he turned to the man near the doors, "Open the doors, so all the sluts out there know what is the cost of their freedom."

The door burst open.

I clenched my clothes and receded backwards as he neared me with a whip.

Holding my shoulder, he ripped open the dress that looked as if it was made of paper.
I was bare from above.


And then all I knew was my loud thunderous cries followed by deadly slashes of whip.


My eyes snapped open as I shivered with the cold that surrounded me because of the fear of those whips.

I clutched my body as tears streamed from my eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt a warm sensation wiping the cold tears from my face. I leaned into the touch.

"Erica...Don't worry..It's over... You're safe now.", His gentle voice echoed in my system.
And surprisingly, my insides did calm down.

"T.. Thank you..", I croaked.

"Thankyou isn't in my vocabulary Erica. You need to return the favor later."

A smile formed on my lips, "There's the asshole I know!"
It was a mere whisper but I think he heard for he dramatically gasped.

"You'll be punished Erica! Soon! You're cursing your boss!"

"Ex boss!", I corrected and finally turned to see him, sitting on the small place on my bed.

There was my armchair near the bed, so I assume he was sitting there.

I sat up and he handed me a glass of water.
Guess the unpacking of my things helped him alot.
"Sir...You should have used the guest room. Or I can call Stephan to take you too Nonna's. If you want."

I was hesitant in letting him leave.
Because tonight I was scared like anything.
"No I'll stay here."

I looked around to see if things are according to him. But well he set up the guestroom, so I hope it will be up to his standards.

I got down the bed, still in his blazer and my dress.

Once to the cupboard, I pulled out a pair of his clothes.

I turned only to bump in him because he was standing right behind me.
"You have a men's pair of clothes!?", His eyebrow shot up.
"Yeah..", I said bored.
"And why is that!? Don't tell me that Evans stays here!?"
I rolled my eyes at him, "Why does it bother you!?"
His eyes turned black immediately, "You're staying with that punk!"

Not wanting to take this any further, I said,
"Dear Sir! They are yours...The ones I wore when I was in states and you forbid me from going at my place to get cleaned and change. I thought you'll never touch them after I wore, like your goggles, so I kept them with me. And it has been here since then."

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