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My phone buzzed and I immediately reached it to see it's from the reception.
"Sir Miss. Miller is back. She is on the way to her.....!", I hung up not waiting for her to complete her bullshit.

She has been out for whole night.

I was so worried. Stephan and Henry searched her everywhere only to turn up in the morning with long faces.

On the other hand, Dad has been pestering me to go to her suite and make her talk to him.
I didn't tell him, however that she's missing but he has already called five times.

I got in the elevator and went to her floor, where her suite was.

I stepped in without knocking only to find her seated on her couch typing away something on her laptop.

"Erica....", The word escaped ny mouth and she looked up.
But as soon as she looked up, she stood up and went to the nearby table to extract a paper from the printer.

She then picked up an empty envelope and shoved it in.

Finally, she came in the direction I was standing and gave me the envelope.

My brows furrowed as I tried to figure what was happening, but everything stopped when I heard her next words.

"I Quit!"


Not waiting for his happy dance, I went in the bedroom, and switched on my phone.

As soon as I switched it on, I ignored the number of missed calls that flooded in my phone and called James.

"Hey James!"
"Erica where were you!? I was so worried...", This means he called me while I was away.
"I am fine James. Don't worry!"
"Great! Tell me how's the preparation for the conference. I know you'll be doing moat of the verbal part."
What should I say now!?
That I quit just three hours before the conference.
"Uh...James...I am not going to the conference... Because..."
"Because of my Asshole son!", He completed for me.
"No...James...I just you know...I quit today!" Silence fell over the other side and I started feeling the nervousness.

How will James react now!?
I gave up easily!?
How will I return his favours!?
How will I save myself!?

"James....!", I called out in a low voice.
"Yeah! Why don't you come to Italy for a break!? Our whole family is here, and I hope you'll enjoy.."
I sighed, "I am sorry James..."
"No child. I know what kind of Asshole my son can become at times. Don't worry, I am not upset with you."
"Thank you James. I promise I will work for you only. If not under him, then somewhere else, but it'll be for you!", I felt quite good after hearing he's fine.
"Okay come by the next flight."
"Yeah!", I said and joyfully started packing my bags.

Once done, I got in the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower.

While in the shower, I remembered how hard I prepared for the conference, and how my then tolerable boss, told me it'll be good.

How will he manage now!?
He doesn't speak much in meetings!?
It's me, who speaks on behalf of him.
And also I withdrew just hours before...How will he manage a new speaker!?

Wait!? Why do I care!?

He brought it upon himself. He should have thought about it before serving me that awful dish.

Once out of the shower, I wore a bathrobe and decided to relax myself a little by switching on music in my speakers.

With loud 8D music mostly of Charlie Puth, because I relate to the guy, both musically and personally, a pizza slice in my hand, I settled on the couch in the dining room with my eyes closed.

It's been so long since I had enjoyed myself.

The flight to Italy is in the night, and I have enough time.


The conference went awful!
Not that we won't get the deal. It was ours even before the conference.
But I had to speak too much, that my jaws are literally paining.

The more I spoke, the more silly questions they put up.
I was at the verge of yelling at them when the conference ended.

I was going back to the hotel with Stephan and Henry.
As much as I hate admitting, her absence is quite obvious in my car.

I wanted to apologize for yesterday night when she handed me her resignation letter.
She did quit. I mean I surely hurt her sensitive nerve.
Now that I realize the words by those bitches must be so hurting to her.
I was feeling guilty now.

Tonight I plan to apologize to her in a civil way, and so I asked them to stop before Tiffany's.
Girls like jewellery!? No!?

They looked at me puzzled but of course, I am not going to give them an explanation.

I went in the store and met with so much glitter that I eyes nearly puked.
However, I went in anyhow.

Remembering Erica and what she would like, I definitely don't think she likes anything too outrageous and showy.
She seems a simple girl.
So I decided to look after something light.

I came across some platinum watches, when a memory hit my brain.
To check time, she always looks at her phone.
Putting a bit strain, I realized I never saw her wearing a watch.

So, I bought her one.

Simple. Elegant. Efficient.
Just like her.

I paid for it and came out of the store and we started to the hotel.

When I got in the hotel, I went to the receptionist.
"Is Miss. Miller in her suite!?", I asked her hopeful that she still hasn't left for dinner and after apologizing, we can go for one.

The receptionist looked in the computer then turned to me, "Sorry sir! But she checked out half an hour before. The keys to her suite are submitted."

She left.

"Check again. She must have gone for dinner.", I asked her. Hopefully.

"No sir! She went with her luggage."

I felt Stephan coming from behind when he noticed my stiff posture, "What happened Sir!?"

"Check Erica's location.", I told him monotonously.

Stephan fidgeted a bit, and pulled out his phone.

He called her, talked to her and then turned to me.

"She's going to Italy!"


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