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David and Venus were leaving for Italy today with nonna, James and Jessica.
Their wedding would be held in Italy.
Me and Eric would go there next weekend and stay there for full week.

I was sad because all the commotion in the house will go silent. It was mostly David yelling or David arguing or David laughing.

"David! I will miss you!", I pout.
I hear a scoff behind me but hugged David nonetheless. He can suck it up.

"Awe my little one! You are coming next weekend...and then we will kick his ass together.", I chuckled.

I felt a pat on my shoulder, "Erica it's enough...he has to leave!"

"Shut up you asshole! She misses me so much because you give her a hell! Mind it you asshole! If you irritate her, I will burst out of your phone and kill you...", He pointed a finger at Eric.

Eric in reply rolled his eyes, "Leave now!", he pointed at the door.

"Please behave Eric!", I seethed, and then taking David's hand took him out of the penthouse, "You're taming him well..."

"Me? Taming him? Can he be even tamed?", I said exasperated.

He smiled and this time not a mischievous one.
He kept an hand on my head and ruffled my hair,

"I am his friend since ages, but I have never seen him this happy. He was an asshole since Aunt Jessica conceived her but he lost this vibe the day he held Eve's corpse. It killed me everyday to see him suffering. And it killed me more that I was not able to help him. But you in his life, has made him so damn happy!
Never let him go! He may be a little difficult, but I can see the way he looks at you."

"How he looks at me?", I asked excited.

"Like he wants to worship you, but at the same time eat you!", He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you be serious for a mere second?"

He made a face, "Sorry baby! Seriousness and me never crossed each other's way!"

He left kissing me on my forehead one last time, before instructing me to come days before his wedding so we can all prepare and enjoy.


I looked up from the file only to find him standing bored at the other side of the table.
"I told you to come to my office!"

I rolled my eyes, "You do nothing but waste my time Eric!"

"And you do nothing but ignore me?", He came to my side and sat on the table pushing the laptop aside, "Why? Am I not good looking?", he pouts.

"Go back and work on that presentation...give your inputs. Once you're done we can go home.."

"That work is boring!", I looked at him gaping.

"Eric you are the CEO! How can you find your boring!? This is ridiculous!"

He shook his head, "No mi amore! This isn't!"
Gosh! First he wouldn't speak Italian frequently, and when he does, he causes my whole body to tingle like anything.

I cleared my throat, "Well? Then what is?"

"I am not getting a suitable environment, or sitting position! I am exasperated and irritated!"

I picked up the file, "You have been saying this since days. You don't want to change the chair also. You don't want new colours in your room! What can I possibly do Eric? You have a solution?"

He grinned mischievously, "Ofcourse I do!", and with that I am pulled out of my seat and then into his cabin.

This man has got a habit of pulling me wherever he wants. So much that I am getting used to it.

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