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The light outside was too much to keep my eyes further closed. Yawning, and stretching my arms, I finally opened my eyes to meet his blue green ones.

Not the real ones, but from the handsome portrait before me. I smile to myself, and get up from the makeshift bed. When I looked at the time, it was nine in the morning.

God! I never sleep for this long!
No one even bothered to wake me up?

I came out of the sitting area and went downstairs to see the maids busy doing their work and Stephen reading the newspaper.

No one else was there.

"Good morning Erica!"

"Morning! Where are others?", I asked.

He kept the newspaper down, "Sir has left for some work with Henry. He is out for two hours now."

I nodded and went in the kitchen. A coffee was already being prepared.
"Shelly, please give me a coffee, I'll be outside in the garden for a while."

In the garden, the night events dawned upon me.
I certainly feel lighter and better after telling him everything. Not only I needed someone to vent out everything, but also I needed him to know what kind of life I had in the past.
Not all woman are worth his standards. That is what scares me the most.

In the world of Playboys, Eric has kept himself away from all those women. May be being committed to a single woman was not his agenda then, but he was respectful. He respected himself, for not letting all kinds of women touch him. So, a woman who's been touched by all sorts of bastards in the city, though un-wantedly, in my opinion does not deserve him. Unfortunately, I am one such.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ringing by my side.

Looking at the phone gave me a huge grin because it was none other than David.

"Hey honeymooners!", I said chirping.

"Guess what Little one! We are coming back tonight.."

"Why!? You have two days more!", I said exactly aware because I was the one to plan.

He sighed, "I know..but there is this guy in my head branch, that was being suspected of some illegal stuff. I need to come and look at the matter personally."

"Venus must be disappointed!", I mused.

"No! She's not...she's an understanding bae...as much as she starts planning our second honeymoon.."

"Oh Erica this man needs to compensate! I barely saw the city!", I heard Venus.

"Okay be back...we can still have a lot of fun here...I don't know when Eric gets bored of the city and we leave for States!"

David snorted, "By the way, where is he!? I didn't talk to him for so long!", he sighed dramatically, "We are already drifting away. It was 'bro before hoe'!"

I hear some shuffling and then David wincing, "Who you callin a hoe bitch!?"

"I will file against you for domestic violence, I swear!"

I heard Venus chuckling evilly, "And I will seduce the police officers!"

I couldn't help but laugh at their banters. They are literally meant for each other.


"Is the presentation done?", His deep husky voice brings me out of my world immediately.

I turn and look at him, smiling uncomfortably, "Uh_yeah! It's done."

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