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"I am not anyone's!", I seethed at him.
His hold on me tightened, and our bodies brushed against each other. He looked in my eyes with rage clearly visible.

"You are Erica! And I mean every bit of it."

My eyes started tearing at this. But I will not break before him. Not this Eric.
"What are we then!? Why you hate it when someone approaches me!? Why you can't stand me talking to a man!? Let's face the reality Eric! I am not going to be your secretary forever!! I will need a man in my life!!", I practically yelled at him.

"I am the man in your life!!", He yelled back, " Why do you need someone else!!??"

I sighed and my body slumped. I leaned against the wall and taking few deep breaths I began, "I don't need someone else Eric.", I said looking in his eyes, and that had him visibily relaxed.

"But...I need someone who would be able to give our relationship a name. May be openly confess it to the world. I want a real relationship Eric! A relationship with love! Not just a friend, with whom I occasionally share kisses! What am I to you!? Other than me being your friend, tell me one thing about this....!", I pointed between us, "...that can be an appropriate reason for us to continue these occasional kisses!"

He went speechless. He opened his mouth quite a many times to say something but failed terribly. And as much as this was my triumph, it looked more like a brutal failure.

The failure of whatever it was between us.

I left him wondering and closed myself in my room for the rest of the day.


My phone ringed, as I was lost in thoughts lying on my bed.
I picked it up and David's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey Asshole! Watcha doin!!??", I heard his cheery voice.
"Nothing David! Since the weekend starts tomorrow, I was back early today.", My voice gave away my gloom. I cleared my throat, "Why did you call!?"

"Uhm...Eric? I wanted to inform you something."
"Don't freak out huh!"
I chuckled, "Why will I freak out!? Wait! Unless you realized you are a gay! Or even worse! You are pregnant!"
"You bastard! Shut the fuck up! This is serious."
I controlled myself and sat up straighter, "I  may have asked Venus to marry me!"
"What!?", That was indeed a shock!

The Casanova David Wellington is finally willing to settle down. With just one woman.
"Are you sure David!? You don't look like the marriage type!", I said cautiously.
He sighed, "It's all till you find the one for you Eric. Venus makes me happy. And believe me, it's not about the sex we do! She makes me happy in other ways."

"Okay then! Best of luck! I will do you the honour of being your best man, because I am sure nobody would agree to witness the wedding of a dickhead like you!"
He snickered, "As much as I hate to admit Eric! You are a very important part of my life. I wouldn't marry if it's not with you beside me."

That thing definitely spread a smile across my face.
"Wait! Did Venus even agree!?", I commented cockily.
"Get lost you asshole! Ofcourse she did!", He yelled.

"Okay okay! Don't be so hyperactive!"
"Inform Erica okay! But wait!? Are you both on even talking terms.", That offended me.

"Ofcourse we are! Why wouldn't we!?", I defended.
He snorted, "Man! Like the asshole you act, she shouldn't look at you, lest talking."
I sighed, "David why should I admit to something I don't feel for her. She's a good friend!"

"Cut the crap! You don't play piano for a good friend, when you never did it after Evelyn! You don't look at a good friend, the way you look at her. You don't kiss your good friend, like your life depends on that one kiss!"

My eyes widened, "Wait! How!? I mean..."

"Eric when we were in college, and on my insistence you got ready to play the piano, remember that.  You couldn't sleep for a week. Why!? Because piano reminded you of your sister, who you taught playing. That night, after Erica finished her singing, I became quite scared for you! When I looked for you, you were nowhere to be seen. But when I went to the balcony, I saw both of you.", He confessed.

I couldn't say anything. I was speechless.

"Eric! You were restless before going on the stage. Nobody must have noticed it, but I did. Still you went there. For whom!? Erica. She was crying when she kissed you. And to a third person, or even both of you, it would have looked like she's seeking relief from you. But that was not the only thing. You too were getting your shit together, when you kissed her. You were calming your own nerves."

"I_I didn't..."

"Yes Eric you did! Think to yourself! This is what is we call love Eric!"
I gasped and hung up.

Love! No!
I don't do love!

More tired now from all the mental pressure, I lied back down. From the drawer, I pulled out the painting made by Eve.

"This is one big confusion Eve. And your brother knows no way to come out of it. If I loved her, I am sure she will leave me like you. And if I don't love her, then I am anyways losing her."

I kept the painting on my chest and drifted to sleep. I don't feel like having dinner. My stomach is full with all those thoughts.


I feel a tugging on my arm, but I spread them and turn on my front to sleep.
"Uh...Eric slowly! You would crumple the page."

My hand was slowly lifted, and the paper was taken away.
Few moments later, I again felt some tugging, "Eric! At least have your dinner!"
I heard her yell, and that instantly woke me up.

I came face to face with Erica, who scowled at me, "What!?", I asked.

"I waste two hours in making your dinner! And you're here sleeping like a hedgehog!"

"Geez woman! I am coming!"
She stormed off the room and I got down the bed  to get ready for dinner.

Once I was downstairs, I saw her serving dinner for two.
"Where's Stephan and Henry!?", Not that I would mind some private time with her.

"One of the security team members have his birthday today. So they are all downstairs in the security guards condo. They would eat there only."

I nodded and took a place on the head of the table. She came and sat just beside me.

"Uh...Erica! David called.", That grabbed her attention, "He asked Venus for marriage and she agreed. The dickhead is engaged now."

She smiled so wide, I wanted to lean down and kiss those lips.
"It was sudden. But David really loves her! She's such a lucky girl!!"

Our eyes met for a moment and all that in the evening became fresh.
She diverted her gaze immediately and cleared her throat, "I would congratulate them."

I nodded slightly, and then the dinner proceeded in an awfully uncomfortable silence.

When we finally left for our rooms, I so wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her good night. But that wouldn't happen.
I first have to sort this mess in my mind.

The next morning was also silent and gloomy.
I woke up and walked to the balcony where I knew I would find her.
And indeed she was there.

She was leaning on the boundary deep in thoughts. While her half finished coffee cup was resting on the table.

I picked up the cup, and took a sip from it.
"You planning to jump off!", I can't help it. That's my good morning.

She turned and her eyes met mine. Then they shifted to her cup in my hand, from which I was shamelessly sipping her coffee.

"Not without you Eric. Not without you.", Something made me think that sentence held a deeper meaning but I ignored it.

We sat down opposite to each other, looking at the rising sun.
When my attention flicked I looked in her direction, only to catch her looking at me but with a serious expression.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Eric Who is Evelyn!?"

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