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I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard my phone ring. I was quick to pick it up as the one beside me was sleeping soundly and I wouldn't want to disturb her beauty sleep.

The screen lights up again with David's name.
Why is he calling now!?
Is Nonna alright!? Mom!? Dad!!

"Eric!?", God he never addresses me this way...
"What's wrong David!? Everyone alright?"
He sighed, "Eric you need to know something. Is Erica near you!?"
I looked at Erica, lying with her hand wound around my torso. I slowly removed her hand from above me, and walked to the balcony.
"Yeah! Say now."
"Eric! We have found the man who molested Erica on the day of Uncle's and Aunt's wedding anniversary."
I gasped, "Are you sure it is him!?"
"Yes Eric he admitted!", I smirked.
"That's good! Make sure he rots in hell. I would talk to Tross!"
Tross was the inspector who was assigned Erica's case.

"That's not the problem Eric! It's something else."
"The man is a watchman of the building that is said to have own a brothel business! Sex workers!"
"Bloody damn! Thank god Erica was alright. Don't know what that bastard would have done to her!", The thought only made my blood boil and insides churn.

I looked back in my room to check on her, and she was still soundly sleeping.

"That's not what's bothering me Eric! It is something more severe!"
He was worried. I could sense it in his voice.
"What!? Tell me David!"
"The man said Erica worked there!"
The ground abandoned me for a while.
What bullshit!

"Dav_David! That's not true! That man must be trying to get away from the punishment by accusing her! Yeah! That is it..."
He sighed, "Eric that's what I have been thinking. But it has been bothering me since I heard it from him. I couldn't stop myself from telling you."

I leaned back on the balcony, "David! Don't worry. But let this thing stay between us. We can't believe a motherfucker drunkard! You know how these men use women and then blame them. Ignore it and relax."

"Hmm...by the way, Tross told me to inform you that Erica would have to come to give her statement at the court. The hearing is scheduled probably two weeks later."

"Okay we'll be there. And your engagement party too is after two weeks. Right!?", I asked to lighten up his mood.
He chuckled, "Yeah! And you are not invited unless you give me a grand gift..."
and there goes David!


"Eric you will have to give a press conference. Why do you forget it's the 75th year of Ashton's business!? And since you have taken over, you will have to act responsibly!", She whined again.

I rubbed my forehead already tired, "Erica why don't you send a written statement! I am not looking forward to be telecasted on TV like a freaking serial!"

"They have not even properly seen your face Eric! That way you can avoid papparazi running behind you, everywhere you go! God! What you would have done without Stephan and Henry!"

"Erica! If sir is not comfortable, let's not force him. You know that way, there will a mysterious buzz about him!", Henry said.
Thank god! Someone is on my side today!

"Wait!", She pulled out her phone and started scrolling, "I will read few headlines about him.
Listen...", and then she began.

"Ashton heir suspected to be running a mafia business! That hot specimen is too hot to be all honest!"
"Eric Ashton found married with his college darling, while he was still 18!"
"Eric Ashton, the new billionaire in the Forbes list of this year, has underworld connections!"
"Eric Ashton found cheating on his wife, with his PA!"
"Isn't Eric Ashton too hot to be straight!"
"The hot Ashton removed his father from the CEO post to become the CEO himself!"

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