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I felt a little movement on the bed, and I knew she's already getting ready to wake up.
In my sleep, I searched for her, and hugged her close to me, "We can take a day off Erica...sleep!"

She wiggled in my arm, and I heard a giggle. I pulled her tightly into me, using my strength, "Why did you use men's perfume Erica?"

"Oh I thought that would arouse the girl in you Eric baby...!!!!!!", Someone sang in a girly voice, and that was all took me to push them away.
Sleep was gone.

"What the hell are you doing on my bed David???", I yelled.

He placed a hand on his heart, "Don't act like we never slept together Eric? I am your first love!"

I heard the girls burst out laughing, and I looked in the direction to find them standing on the door.

I rubbed my eyes, "What the hell is happening?"

"Well your girlfriend and mine were quite keen to share their fuck stories when we returned last night. Erica slept with Venus, so I had no option than coming here and rekindling my relationship with you!"

I released a breath, when he spoke again, "Hey Eric don't worry..... nothing happened!"

I threw a punch on his face, "Good morning first love!"

He groaned and I got down the bed, "Venus I don't know how are you going to live with this drama queen!"

"The way Erica is going to live with a fucker like you...!", I dodged a pillow leaving the room.


"From tomorrow you will be tied to the bed!", I said to Erica, "And how come I didn't realize they came?"

"You were sleeping like a hedgehog!", David commented munching on his breakfast.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my coffee.

"I heard Erica moved in your room?", David asked.

Yes she did. Yesterday morning when we returned, we moved her things in my room.


"Nothing! I am just expecting kids running around."

I groaned, "Someone shut his mouth please!"

"David are you high on something?", Venus asked sarcastically.

"No baby...I am like this always you see...happy and fine! Not acting like a bitch on her periods..", his eyes were on me.

I ignored him, "Venus! I have called the wedding planners in my office today....get ready and we will discuss all the stuff with them. But remember you can back out anytime you want..."


The meeting with the wedding planners got over in two hours. I made Eric some coffee and went towards his cabin.

"You sure of what you're doing Eric?", I heard David say.
"Yes David...I thought about it alot....I can't see it in her eyes now....I will....!"

"What are you both talking about?", I went in the cabin and kept the mug before Eric.
He looked baffled for some unknown reason but David spoke up, "No nothing significant..."

"Where's Venus?", I asked.


"Okay Eric...you have to approve some appointments.."

He composed himself, "Who all?"

"Stephenson's wanted to discuss this month's statistics. We've made profits. And some Mr. Hayden Thatcher wants to meet you..."

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