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When I woke up after god knows how many hours, I found the door to the room I was in closed.

Don't tell me my boss kidnapped me!!-i picked up myself in horror, only to find myself wrapped in a duvet.

Huh!? How did I get this duvet!?

The lights were closed, the curtains were drawn, even my shoes were removed.
Who can do this!?
There are just men in this penthouse, and I don't think nonna will come at this part of the penthouse.

Confused I got off the bed.

A look at the time and I lost my balance.
4 in the evening!

Goddamn! Boss will eat me raw!

I readily straightened my clothes. Thankfully, I was not wearing my office attire but just a jeans and casual T-shirt.
I picked up my denim jacket from the couch and wore it, and taking a last look at my appearance, I came out of the room.

There were some sound coming from the dining room.

When I went in the direction, I saw nonna sitting on the dining table talking to who I assume is my boss.

When I went nearer, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened!

Mr. Eric Ashton was cooking in the kitchen!

I couldn't help but stare at him.
Pinch me God! This can't be real..

And just then...
"Erica! You're awake!", Nonna sequeled.
My boss looked up and no wonder, his eyes widened too.
"Erica!?", I turned my gaze to Nonna still dazed.
"Sit child! Are you okay!? Eric told me you were not well.", She made me sit beside her.
I gathered myself and answered, "I am fine nonna..I was just tired and yesterday I went in rain."
She rubbed my head affectionately, "Take care of yourself Erica. Otherwise who'll take care of my baby."
I glanced briefly at him, while his eyes were already on me.

"Eric is making noodles for me. I love the one he makes!", She told me.
"He can cook!?", I whispered to her.
"He can create wonders!", She said smiling wide and I smiled back.

After sometime I realized, I should help him.
"Nonna I'll help him!", and nonna nodded in reply.

I went in the kitchen, a bit scared, "I am sorry sir, I overslept. Can I help....!"
"Yeah! Take these noodles and wash them under cold water.", I nodded and got in the work.

It was so intimidating to have him in the kitchen.

"Chop the capsicum Erica!", He told me and I started.
He was perfect here.

His demeanour a bit less strict because of nonna. He smiled frequently when nonna said something. He called me 'Erica' in front of her. He didn't yell at me.
Instead we worked in proper harmony.

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