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When we were done with our dinner, he went to the dining room to watch some TV. He was lying on the sofa, with a blanket on him.

"Won't you sleep in the guestroom?", I asked him.
He nodded absentmindedly, "I will. I just want to lie here for sometime."

I sit on the sofa near his stomach as he shifts back to give me enough space.

"You can lie down you know!?", I looked at him only to see him signalling me to come in the blanket.
God! Is he insane!?

I looked in his eyes, only to see an indifferent attitude. Not like my, lying down beside him, under the same blanket, with nothing just my slip on my upper body would bother him at all.
If I lie down their would be just his t-shirt between us.

I shook my head, "I have the ointment on my body. It would spoil the sofa."
I didn't look at him then, but I felt him shuffling.

His hand with his t-shirt came before me, "Wear it and lie down. This movie is quite good."

Will I be even able to watch this movie!?

I reluctantly wore his t-shirt and lied down beside him. The sofa was wide but still it was bothering me alot. Because he was bare from above. His tattoos shining with the light from TV. His breath slowly fanning my hair. My heart was beating erratically.
While he had a stoic expression on his face, completely unbothered by our current position.

Why does it matter to me so much? He clearly doesn't care. That thought disturbed me a little.
Whatever it was, it was clearly one sided. And so, I have to do one thing I am very good at. Forget it!


A loud screech caused me to open my eyes, and they immediately drifted to the TV screen in front of me. A horror scene was going on.

Was it a horror movie!? I don't know. I haven't seen the title even.

I felt something near my cheek and looked down only to find her sleeping soundly with her head resting on my upper arm.

A smile adorned my face on seeing her sleeping figure. Her soft brown hair brushing my face. My t-shirt loosely covering her as her both hands rested on my chest.

Can the world please stop at this very moment!?

Another screech followed and she shuddered a bit.
"It's nothing...sleep sleep!", I rubbed her hair gently, and she calmed down.

Then picking up the remote, I switched of the TV and lights.
I don't know if it is right or wrong, but at this moment this looks like the best thing one would want. And I was as greedy as I was cocky.

I circled my arm around her waist and brought her nearer feeling whole of her against me.
I closed my eyes again and drifted to sleep.

I knew I will get the best sleep of my life tonight.


When I woke up at the morning, I was alone. And my surroundings were already cold indicating she must have left much before.

I went in her room to see if she's there and she was indeed there reading some book.

"When did you start reading romantic novels!?", I asked sceptically.

She looked up a little taken aback but composed herself immediately, "Since I thought I need some in my life too."
Her tone was a little pointed. As if taunting me.

I was amused, "The lady sounds angry. Did your hero break the heroine's heart?"

"He did. He doesn't take her seriously. He's an asshole!", She seethed.

"Calm down Erica! It's only morning!", I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

She kept the book aside, "I'll make you some coffee.", This time in a softer tone.

I smiled as she left the room and went to take a shower.


We came back to the mansion and after lunch were sitting in the porch.

"Uh...Eric!?", It was dad.
"Thanks for coming for your birthday son. Yesterday was probably our best day in the past decade!"
I looked at him sharply, "Dad! I came this time, doesn't mean I will always do. I promised in return for something and that I fulfilled. You all don't need to bother yourself about me."

He sighed, "Erica and Eric!? I need to talk about something more important with both of you."

Everyone assumed an alert position and even David was serious too.

"What is it James!?", She asked nervously.

"We all have seen quite a development between you both. If it is what we think, then believe us, we all are the happiest. But I want you both to be serious about each other. You both are under our care. And if anyone of you, receives hurt out of your relationship, it will be a shame. Analyse your feelings for each other and then only proceed further. Relationships should be taken serio...."

"What relationship!?", I spoke up.

Nonna spoke up this time, "Eric if you both love each other..."

I laughed amused at that but ofcourse sarcastically, "Love!? Really Nonna!? Is it what you  see between us!?"
I turned to Erica, "Were you talking about these assumptions!?"

She didn't answer me rather looked straight with a  stoic face.

I sighed and then stood up, "All of you. I don't give any damn of who thinks what about me. But she does.", I pointed at Erica, "And therefore, I would like to clarify and declare it to you all, that there is nothing like love between me and Erica. We are merely civil with each other and mostly care like i care for David, or Nonna. And like she cares for you, mom and dad! Don't assume anything. Because I don't know about her, but I am not going to commit love or marriage with anyone. I hope I made myself clear."

When I finished, everyone was looking worried. But their eyes were not on me, but Erica.
Before I could turn to see what's wrong, I heard her, "I'll go and check if the jet is prepared."

She picked up her phone and left the porch immediately.

Nonna shook her head dejected, "It's the matter of heart Eric. Often out of your control."

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