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I groaned as no words left my mouth.
My vocal goes numb when I think of singing. And this freaking man wants me to sing for a thousand people. Okay, the song should be dedicated to him, but now when I think, I would prefer singing to him, while he was with me alone.

I sighed.

3 pm.

Its just three hours that I have to be in his party. And I haven't selected a dress yet. Earlier in the Midnight, when he made his wish, I hung up on him. I acted like a bitch.
He called me several times, but somewhere I was aware I was not going to be released of his wish.

When in the morning I woke up I found a text from him that said,
"YOU ARE GOING TO SING FOR ME! You want it or not. Yeah! I am an asshole, and I am forcing you. I have arranged for a music band that would give you music. You just have to stand and sing. There won't be much people, if your social anxiety kicks in."

It wasn't about social anxiety. Yeah, I wanted to be a singer. Because that was what I used to do till I reached the age where they would make a 'better' use of me. I have been singing for the worst of men there, with so much disdain for them.
How will I sing for the man, who happens to be someone so different from them.

I pulled my hair in a bun, and stood before a mirror in my bedroom. Taking in a deep breath, I began singing one of my favourite songs, "I don't wanna live...."
Oh god! I was sounding like goat!

I saw my phone light up.
"Asshole Ashton"
I left it to ring.

It's his birthday. But that doesn't mean he will do anything.

My face started to heat up, and eyes became red.
"Why you have to be so cruel Eric!!?", I yelled throwing a fit.
I closed my eyes and hit the bed nth time that day in frustration.

"Cold water will cool you down!", I snapped open my eyes and they immediately landed on a glass of water.
I didn't need to look twice to know who has barged in my apartment. Thats how he does it.

I hear him sigh, "You should have picked up the call. I got all worked up since the morning."

"What pleasure does it gives you to make me cry, and do extreme sport nonetheless!?", I sneered at him.
"It's not such a big thing Erica!"
"Oh yes! It's not. Not at all.", I stood up and attempted to walk past him. But mark my word , 'attempted' only.

"I have brought a dress for you. Two actually. Try them on."

"Sorry but I can't come to the party.", I stated and walked to the vanity but then my eyes fell on my attire. I was wearing a string strapped top that displayed all my marks. They have started getting fader. The stubborn brown colour was finally leaving.

I walked out of my bedroom, but then I felt a sudden pull on my hand, unless my back hit the wall behind and I was caged between two arms.
"Just because I asked you to sing for me."

I would be lying if I say that the proximity didn't affect me. It made my body go in a frenzy.
"No! But because I am coward. And I can't manage to utter a single syllable out of my mouth. I sound like I have been crying for years. My voice is dead."

"It wasn't dead when you sang me happy birthday tonight.", I was caught off guard immediately.

I haven't done anything as cliché as I did for him tonight. I don't know why, but I wanted him to feel special. I wanted him to know that I too care for him.

I had no words to say back, and my stone cold facade crumpled just like that. I went limp, and leaned against the wall, "I am afraid Eric."

I felt his hands cup my face, and he made me look up in his eyes.
"Were you not afraid to go to school?
Or were you not afraid while taking up your job?
Were you not afraid when you had to give your first presentation?
Were you not afraid when you had to face the prick version of me?
Were you not afraid when I took you to that doctor for your treatment?
But you did it all. Didn't you!?", He sighed and them embraced me in his arms, "Fear is not bad Erica. That reminds us to stay put."

I hid my face in his chest, "Please let me sing in front of you only!"
He stayed silent and that was enough for me to realize my request wouldn't be hailed.

"Okay if it makes you feel any better....", His hold on me tightened, "I would play the piano as you sing."

My eyes widened and I backed away to look at him, "Are you serious!?"

"I am. Even I hate attention. But if  the knowledge of my presence will help you, I am willing to do that.", I could sense the discomfort in his voice.

But while I make a fool of myself, he will be with me, made the singing whole lot easier.
I smiled weakly, "Okay!"


"Sir! Are you in relationship with Julia Thatcher!?"
"What is your next business venture?"
"We heard you would collaborate with Kingston enterprises!?"
"Are you married!?"
"Who is the lady with you sir!", I tightened my hold on Erica, as Stephen and Henry with few more men, pushed the papparazi away.

She was wearing my hooded jacket.
Once we were in the hallway, she handed the jacket to Stephen..
"Stephen! Keep a close check on security. We don't want the repeat of the last time!"

"Erica there are few well dressed men in the party who will keep an eye on everything, and I will be in the control room.

She nodded and pulled out a phone from her clutch, "I should receive the smallest of details Stephen."


By last time, she meant the time when she freaking gulped a shot of poison. For me.

Giving up her business like mode, she turned to me, "Let's go!"

I gave her my hand, and she held it by the elbow.
"We look quite a couple!", I pointed out.
She sneered, "We can't really help since you chose the dress. I mean I understand blue is your favourite. But that doesn't mean I would colour my whole with blue."


"Blue suits you. And even me. And we'll be giving a performance together.", He reminded me.

I was about to retort when the main door to the hall opened.
"And here comes the man of the evening!
The insanely handsome birthday boy, Eric Ashton! With his beautiful date, Erica Miller!"

We instantly got the attention we both hated.
"This dickhead is hell bent to take his revenge.", He grumbled and I chuckled lowly.

Suddenly it felt as if the whole world wanted to strangle us.
"Erica stay close. You reply for all the shit they say!"
"They will wish you birthday. You expect me to thank them."

And the cruel bastard was back.
He treats people like shit.

"Can't believe you're 27!", One of our business associate said.
The prick replied, "Even I can't believe you are 80."
The woman was offended, "I am 60."
"Oh but you look like 80."

I rolled my eyes at him, and gave the woman an apologetic look.

Another man came, who was James' college friend.
"So son when are you going to marry son!?"
"With whom your wife!?", I grabbed his hand to stop him.
The man shifted uncomfortably, "Um..You are funny Eric. I just want to know which woman gets to tame you."
"I am a man, not a dog. But I hope your wife 'tames' you well Mr. Doggy!"
I gasped, while the man shook in anger, "It's Mr. Dobby!"

I pulled him to a corner, "What is wrong with you!? You want to turn them into your enemies?"

He chuckled, "They don't have guts to be my enemy Erica. They may hate me, but they love my money, bussiness and partnership with them. They won't jeopardize their business for my little play."

I shook my head in disappointment. Once an asshole, always an asshole!

But the next thing I heard, stopped my heart.
"Now Erica would come up to sing for the man of the night, Eric."

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