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"This project here is not our first. We already have a set foot. And thus this demands multi-dimensional professionalism.", I said and everyone nodded in affirmation.

"As Sir James said, while constructing the most normal house, we need to feel like it's our own White House. That's what fetches the best results.", I ended my words sitting on the chair beside my boss whose eyes were burning holes in my body.

The financial advisor of our team, Nate stood up, "Your prep-words are always the best Erica!", he smiled at me affectionately.

"I have been working under James and you, Nate. I have learnt from the best.", I returned back his smile.

"The meeting is adjourned!", The jerk stood up abruptly growling, and leaving the room.

Reluctantly and scowling, I followed him to narrate the terms we need to negotiate on the lunch with Peterson's.

He was sitting on his chair when I entered.

I had no will to talk to him, but I also don't want to express that his words hurt me. Be it his way. Let him know, that I am as cold as he is. And his moods won't decide his way of walking over my self respect.

"Sir should I narrate the Peterson's clauses!?"
He looked up from his phone, "Yes please!"

I stood near the table and started speaking when he interrupted, "You can sit Erica!"

Mood Swing Alert!

"No not needed sir!", And then I continued.

I heard him hissing in anger, and then growling, "Erica listen to me! Don't act indifferent...I know you're upset. But just sit!"

I looked at him, and ignored the genuineness on his face.
This asshole is a riddle, and I don't want to flow in his stream.
I kept the notes before him, "If you're so desperate to make me sit, I'll go sit in my office. You can read the clauses."

And with a triumphant smirk, I left his office.

Ahh! Feels so good!!

I decided to skip the lunch. First I won't have to accompany that jerk. Second, I will have some lone-time with myself, which I haven't had in many days.


"Out to run an errand. Nerissa will accompany you!", I crumpled the note in my hand.

Ok fine! You're angry. But what is this!?
This stubborn woman works for me!? Right!?

I pulled my hair frustrated.

"Hello Mr. Ashton! Let's go for the lunch date!", She purred the words seductively, which to me looked like a goat barking.

I ignored her and went to attend the meeting.

The meeting took longer than expected, but when I returned, she was not here.
When i asked Stephan, he told me she went to attend the other meeting because I was late.

This woman is purposely ignoring me.
And I am not liking this.

When at the end of the day, I came back to the penthouse, the dinner was being made. By her.

She had a headphone on.
So when I went to tell her, that her ignoring me is not at all bothering me, she probably didn't here.

No response.

"Erica!!!!!!", I yelled.
No response again.

So this time I went forward, and pulled out her headphones.

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