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"You have to quit. And to this particular situation, you have four options.
  - yes sir!
  - yes of course sir!
  - abso-bloody-lutely sir!
  - sir that's my pleasure!"
I smirked at her face that showed disbelief, astonishment, and yeah hatred too.

Slowly, she recovered, and then said, "Not happening sir! I owe James a lot and he expects me to work fo....!"

"Why don't you go to Italy and work as his maid!?", I suggested.

"I would love to sir! But I have to stand firm on Sir James's expectations...I can't...!"

"I am not going to waste my time in reasoning with you. You are not eligible to be my PA. Just look at you... You look horrible. Your clothes, they are like some girl who ran away from her home.", I said without thinking twice. Okay! I know it was excess, but I don't want her to work here.

Her head was bent and she was staring down on earth.
She never stands this way.

I gulped but continued, "I want an answer! Quit now!"

She looked up with a troubled expression. And this made me feel sorry that very instant. But I hid it well, like I usually do.

"I'll talk to Sir James.", She said and left.

Something dropped in my stomach.

Ran away from a home!?


I sat quietly on my seat.

What is his problem!?
What is wrong with my clothes!?
Do I really look like I ran away from home!?

Just after I broke his glasses, his love for them resurfaced.
I know I did hurt his ego, and that didn't go well with him.

I heard him talking to Sir James after which he called me in, and I would say forced me to quit.

Sure, I have companies lined up to take me on better posts, but Sir James and Jessica are the ones, I won't betray till death.

He wants me out.
The reason being god knows what!?

There are others also, but I find him extra harsh around me.

I sighed and picked my phone.

"Sir Jam....!?"
"You want to quit bella!?", He asked before I could even complete the sentence.
I sighed, "Yes sir!"
"Okay go to my son's cabin, and put the phone on loudspeaker."
"But Sir...!"
"Do it!", I reluctantly picked up my self and went to the cabin of the Asshole Ashton.

He looked up and was about to yell when I put the phone on speaker.

"Yes James..I am here.", I said and kept my phone on the desk.

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