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She stormed off even before I could take in everything she said.
"Erica!", I called out only to realize she was long gone.
I rubbed my forehead as the papers on the table stared back at me. 'A kidney lost', highlighted in the centre to a patient who until then had no name. Guardian my mother. It is way too much more than I expected. Much more than I can digest.
There was a picture of a 16 years old Erica all worked up, because it was her first day at school.
Another picture of her lying on a hospital bed, as was used by the police that time.
Another papers where she got her nightmares dealt at a psychiatrist.

And all this when I was completely blacked about her history till the age of 16.
I felt my chest tighten at the sight of her nervous smile in the photo.

I was still in the state of shock, when I heard a knock. Stephan came in.
"Sir at what time we leave?"
I looked upstairs in the direction she went and sighed.
"What is the day today?"
"Saturday Sir!", He answered.
"Me and Erica will take a day off. If there's some emergency, call me. Otherwise you go and supervise others ", Stephan knew more than enough to manage a day without both of us.

He left and I immediately went upstairs.
I knocked on the door but surprisingly it was open.
I walked in only to find her getting ready for work. But one look in the eyes, and anyone can see how troubled she is.
And I can't do anything but blame myself for it.

"Erica hear me out. You didn't.. "

I saw how her eyes turned cold at my voice, and she interrupted immediately, "The breakfast will be served soon Sir. I kept your coffee in your room."

I closed my eyes to calm myself. I did notice her 'sir'.

"I am not going to office. And I want you to stay with me.", I got a pointed look in return. And so I decided to lie.

"After working so much, I think I am not well. Because I feel anxiety and a little feverish. My head is paining, and I feel like I will faint anytime soon.", I went forward and settled on her bed, holding my head.
This is the only way I can make her stay.

"Why don't you get a pregnancy test?", I heard her and my laugh would have busted me, but instead I coughed in return.
"Erica it's not funny.", I laid down and covered myself with the duvet. Her duvet.
And God forbid, it was smelling so sweet. Something like chocolate and caramel.

She went downstairs, and stayed there for sometime, but then came back with a frown, "Eric Ashton! Acting Over! Go get ready!"

I gave a coy smile in return, "I am sick Erica!"

"Oh you definitely are!? What should I do about your morning sickness. That came out of nowhere ??!"

"I give you a leave Erica! Go have fun. But don't forget you have a sick boss back at home, who us at the verge of dying.", She groaned and then extracted her clothes and went in the closet.

Minutes later, she came out dressed in casual clothes. And I smirked mentally at my success. Probably, Stephan told her already what I said to him.

She left her room again and I was quick to call mom.
Not even two rings, and I heard her.
"Twice in twenty four hours. My son made me happy."
I groaned, "Mom not now. I need a favour."
"First of all, there is nothing like favour between a mother and son. Secondly, if it's about Erica. That is the most information I can give. She won't like it Eric."
I sighed, "She already found out."
"Yeah! And I think she's quite pissed because of that. She won't let the work suffer, but I know she's distressed.", I explained.
I heard silence the other side, "Mom!? You there?"
I heard her sigh then, "You sound so concerned for her Eric. You both are finally doing well!"
"Where is this coming from mom? Tell me how to make her normal again."
She thought for a while, "Put in efforts Eric. What you do may not convince her, but your efforts definitely will."
"You like her Eric?",I was caught off guard immediately.
"What are you saying mom?"
"I said may be Erica is someone of your type, and you find her go your liking....."
I sat up, "End it there mom! Just because I am concerned doesn't mean there's something going on. She's just an assistant, or to the most a friend."
I explained her, but it looked like I am convincing myself.
"We'll see. We'll see.", I heard her before I hung up.

Relationships are not my thing. From the time, I have lost Evelyn, I have made sure I live as a person who has no strings attached with anyone on earth. Because that's the safest zone. No ties, No fear of losing, No pain. I am good this way. Although, I too feel with Erica, I become a complete different version of me. But it is nowhere related to heart. I'll make sure this remains same in future too.

I got out of her room, and cleaned up myself.
She was not in the kitchen, and so I assumed, she is in the study.

"Get to the work Eric!"


"Mr. Clark! On Monday it is then. We'll meet at Ashton's and I hope you won't be late. My boss gets a little pissed off then.", I told Mr. Clark on phone, and so another meeting was scheduled.
I sat back ending the call.

I was about to get back to the paperwork, when a delicious smell engulfed the surrounding.
I looked up only to find that 'actress' of my boss, coming in the study with a huge tray in his hands, wearing my apron on his clothes, and a kitchen towel on his shoulder.

He grinned at me, "Lunch for you Ma'am!"

I raised my eyebrow at him, "I thought you are not well!?"

His eyes widened for a fraction of second, but he resumed himself soon, "Uh..I exercise everyday. My immunity is quite good you know! Nothing can effect me."

I rolled my eyes at the liar and got back to work.

"Erica you won't eat it!? I made it with..."

"I will.", I stood up and took the plate from him, "Thankyou!"

He stood there frowning as I kept the food aside and began working again.
I know I was acting like a female version of him, but I was in no mood. Remembering all that, stirred the peace of my mind. And I feel like a havoc is going on in me.
He's the only one who gets to bear my snappy attitude.

He stood there for a while, and what I assumed left in anger.
Mr. Eric Ashton was not a man, who'll run after a woman to apologize or convince. I wasn't expecting anything though.
I understand the curiosity in his mind, because of which he investigated about me. But I don't want him to know anything about my past. Because what I lived then, would snatch him away. He won't even look at me, after he comes to know what life I lived.
That's what I'm afraid of!
Losing the only person, who could make me feel cared, protected, and needed. Atleast here in States, when James and Jessica were miles away.

I couldn't resist the smell of food kept beside me for long. And so keeping aside everything, I opened the tray, only to find fried rice, with chicken soup, and meatballs. A beautiful salad, with a piece of paper in between was kept on one side.

I picked up the note written by Eric.
"I am sorry for what I did. I won't justify myself because I know my invasion was wrong. Please forgive me."

Sorry, wrong, please and forgive! All the words in two lines. That too the ones written by the ruthless billionaire Eric Ashton!

My jaw dropped!
He freaking apologized! That too with so much sugar coated in his lines!

My shock couldn't wash off completely when I heard a knock. Henry then came in, with a bouquet of roses?!
"This is for you Ma'am!"

"Huh!? But...", He left immediately.

I picked it up, only to find a similar note.
"I promise I won't do that again. Please pardon your boss! He already misses you!"

Where the hell is that man I picked up on the airport few months ago!?

I felt a presence beside me, and looked up. There he was standing with a nervous face, "Please!!! I will do anything for you!....I mean for your forgiveness!"

I sighed sitting back on the couch, "You didn't need to do all this..."
"Oh please! That was needed. I made a mistake!", Hell he was accepting it.

"What can you do?"
"Anything!", Came the immediate reply.
I looked up and grinned evilly at him, "Let's reverse our roles for a day."
"I will be your boss! And you'll be my assistant!!!", I declared and this was his time to drop his jaw!

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