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She ate another spoon, then another and then another, gulping water in between.
I could see how her eyes became teary and her ears became red.

Shit! What am I doing!?

"Erica stop...Don't eat...!", I said taking her spoon from her.
Despite her horrible state, she smiled painfully at me, as if she's mocking me.

She leaned forward and picked up another spoon and started eating again.

"God damn it! You're hurting yourself...", I tried to stop her but in vain.

"Eric! May be she likes it. Non hai bisogno di preoccuparti per questa cagna di un PA.", Julia passed her comment slyly.
{You don't need to care for this bitch of a PA.}

I ignored her Italian and turned to Erica. There's no way she's liking it. No one can.

I just lost my appetite, and the food before me went untouched.

Lucy spoke up, "Ma sono sicuro che deve fare del suo meglio per entrare nel letto di Eric."
{But i am sure she must be trying her best to get into Eric's bed.}

"Si! Ma guardala. Lei è una troia di vita così bassa.", Julia said followed by laughing.
{Yeah! But look at her. She's such a low life slut.}

Erica looked at her with a knowing look but continued eating.
I don't think she knows what the hell they are saying.

"Eric ci dica! Quante volte ha provato a sedurti!?", Said Angela but I ignored her question.
{Eric tell us! How many times she tried to seduce you!?}

The boys were trying to stop them, while David was throwing deadly glares to them but they remained unfazed.

Oblivious to all this Erica kept on eating!

"Sembra che sia venuta da un bordello. Ecco dove sua madre deve averla partorita.", Julia said with gritted teeth, and I heard David gasp.
{She looks like she came from a brothel. That's where her mother must have given her birth.}

Erica rose her head and looked directly at Julia.
Then she turned to me and stood up.

"Grazie Signore! Hai reso questa cena piacevole per me.", She said and to my shock in Italian.
{Thank you Sir! You successfully made this dinner quite pleasurable for me.}

The girls gasped at her hundred times better ascent.

And the next thing, I saw was her storming off the restaurant.

I punched the table loudly, "You all will regret your words! Mind it!"

And then I ran behind Erica, out if the restaurant but by the time, she vanished.


I tried to hail a cab but in vain.

It was already pitch dark and I could see no humans around.
Also, thunder and lightning was at its peak. I hate this weather.

To top it, my mouth was still burning with all those chillies.
The spiked drink I had, still had light effects on my throat, and these chillies did no better to it.

And this all, if I ignore the insults I heard few minutes before.

I never knew he will stoop this low, to insult me publicly, in front of his friends by not just abusing me, but my origin also.
I came from a brothel?
My mother and me are sluts!?
I am trying to get in his bed!?
I am a gold digger!?
And what not....

I started walking aimlessly lost in my thoughts, when my phone began ringing.

"Mr. Asshole!", The caller ID blinked.

Without any second thought, I switched off my phone and kept it in my pocket.

After walking for about fifty minutes, I found a local park with few benches and a broken shade.
It was about to rain.

I sat on the bench hoping the shade would protect me but I knew better.

A lump formed in my throat and I began sobbing and shedding tears.

What did I do to deserve such people in my life??

It started raining heavily. So heavily that the shade had no purpose now.
And I was getting drenched.

In no time, I was a mess.
A crying drenched mess.
Why do people judge me when they know nothing about me!?

So much effort from my boss to just make me quit!

Should I really quit!? Then we both will live in peace.

Yeah! I can talk to James to work in some other branch where I won't come across his son. Or I can start something of my own. I can even work in Italy where James and Jessica live.
Yes...I will.

I am going to quit now.

I picked up my bag and in the rain, walked a bit more unless I came across a good hotel.
I can stay here for the night.
And then hail a cab in the morning to Ashton's.
I went in where a girl welcomed me.

"Hey! I want a room for a night. You see I can't get a cab to my hotel and standing in the rain isn't an option."
"Yes of course ma'am.", She types away in the computer before her and then gave me keys.

I paid her using my credit card and then checked in my room.

The room was quite good, and so I changed into a bathrobe keeping aside all my wet clothes, to dry up till morning.

Getting in the bed, I tried to forget all the insults of my boss, and mentally prepared myself to not see him again after tomorrow.


Three hours and Erica hasn't returned till now.
I was freaking out.

Where she must be!?
It's not States. It is Phillipines, a quite less populated area.

Different kind of thoughts creeped up my mind.
What if someone kidnapped her!?
What if she fell unconscious!?

I called her hundred times, but her phone was switched off. No texts she replied.

I swear I didn't want this.
I thought she would quit after one morsel of that awful dish but she didn't.
Instead she stayed to listen all curses and profanities they threw at her.

"Troubled!?", I turned to see David offering me a cup of coffee.

I looked at him with a hopeful expression, so he would say something comforting to me.
"You know what! She doesn't deserve the way you behave with her."

That was indeed comforting! Note the sarcasm here.

"David...You know I never wanted to have a girl around me. She reminds me of her!"

"But she is not her! And she doesn't even know why you hate her presence. You have to move on!",He snapped at me, "You can't always resist people around you."

"I can't. She was my soul. Her angelic face is carved in my heart. There's no place for any other. Not even my parent's."

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