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I put on my blazer finally ready.
Picking up my phone and car keys, I come out of my room to spot her walking to and fro, in nervousness downstairs.
No amount of comforting or assurance would calm her down.

I hope this meeting with the doctor goes well.
Because if she regrets going there, I don't think she'll ever allow me to take any further step for her.

I sighed going down to reach her.
Her head snapped in my direction as she spotted me..
Giving me a fake smile, she picked up her things, frantically fidgeting through them.

"Erica we can delay the appointment if you want?"
She looked up to me and I could clearly see her troubled eyes.

"No let's get over with this.", Her voice was shaky when she spoke.

She was walking away, when I suddenly grabbed her hand.
Coming before her, I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Calm down! We will go through this together.", I assured but I knew it's for vain.
I could literally feel her shivering in my touch.

"Come!", I took her hand and interwined with mine.
She relaxed visibly and I took her to the car.

Once, on the road I noticed her getting stiff as time passed, and so I began a conversation.
"From now on, you can have a sunday leave, and we'll decide on your reporting time."

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me, "Why?"

"Now that I know you'll manage anyway, I want to be a little softer."
It was a statement but I don't know what amused her, for she started laughing.

"What's so amusing!?"
She composed herself, and then turned to me, "You must be aware I have given you a plenty of nicknames. This one just became my favourite!"

"Which one!?"

"Softy!", And she started laughing again.

I groaned in annoyance, "Erica don't forget I am your boss. And I can fire you for giving me names."

This amused her more, "Please try."
I hate to admit it but I am losing control over here.
Hell! I don't mind unless she's laughing and smiling.

"By the way, stop calling me Sir! You're just two years younger and make me feel like I am fifty!"

She furrowed her eyebrows still amused, "Then what should I call you!? Anything among the names I gave!? Mr. Softy!?"

"Eric! Eric Ashton is my name. Out of work, you'll address me Eric! And that's an order!"

"Aye Aye Captain! Err...I mean Eric!", Something flicked in me as soon as I heard my name from her. A grin automatically adorned my face.

But it faded away, as soon as I realized we're there.

"Erica we're here!", I announced and hated the moment when her smile faded.
Her nervous self was back.

I parked the car, and came out.
"Remember Eric!? Huh!?", I said playfully and she smiled a little. I held her hand, "Let's do this."

We didn't have to wait because we were on time.

"Miss Erica Miller!", The nurse called and we went in the doctor's cabin.

She was literally shivering, and her eyes were clouded with fear.
When holding hands was no more useful, I wrapped a hand around her shoulders, "Look at me Erica!"
She followed.

"There's nothing to worry. I am here.", She nodded more to convince herself than me.

The doctor came, "Hello Mr. Ashton and Miss. Miller."

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