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My chest hurts, my breathing shallow and weak. The force of air in my nostrils is cold, feeling like razors with every inhale. My ears feel full of water, noises around me sound muffled. While a beeping echoes against my eardrum. My left hand twitches feeling an object in my palm. Trying to open my eyes they feel heavy, like someone is forcibly holding them closed. When I'm finally able to open them everything is blurry. Movement erupts around me swarming my personal space.

"Rose?! Joe! She's awake! DEAN GRAB THE DOCTOR!" A voice that sounds like my mother, rings in my ears, sobs seeping from her lips.

"My little rosebud! Hunny, we thought we lost you." His warm embrace latches around me, as he too begins to tear. "Thank God." He whispered into my ear. My blurry eyes finally adjusting to my surroundings. My mother stands to my left, my father to my right. Dominic and Dean my two older brothers stood at the foot, of what looks like a bed. Beaming down to their sweet little sister, with worried faces.


I realize, I'm the one laying down, I'm the one looking up at the ceiling, I'm in bed. Glancing around the room, it's snow white, with bright fluorescent lights. Behind my head, sat machines circling the headboard of my bed. Before I get the chance to speaking a word, a doctor walks in. He looks to be about thirty five, black fluffy volumed hair and five o' clock shadow along his jawline. Maybe six foot tall, he doesn't look muscular but he certainly isn't scrawny. His beady eyes, lock in on mine as he approaches my bedside.

"Rose, my name is Dr. Finley." Pulling out a little flashlight, he shines it in my eyes. "Do you remember what happen?" His flashlight stops annoying my pupils, tucking it firmly in his white coat pocket.

Opening my mouth to speak, my throat feels dry and horse. Coughs invade my speech, trying to mutter the word yes. I remember jumping and my foot got stuck. What did my foot get stuck to?

"Ki-n-da." My voice rasp from the water trauma.

"Well Rose you died. You drowned after jumping into Lake Willow. Do you remember that?" This doctor was very straight forward. Didn't give a shit about my feelings. Like dude you just told me I died, let me process that. Wide eyed I stare at the forward doctor, flabbergasted at his statement.

"I died?", I crocked out my confusion.

"Yes, Rose. You were dead for five minutes and fifty seven seconds to be exact. Do you remember what happened?" Fact throwing won't soften the blow dude.

"No." I felt so confused, unsure of what's happening around me, trying to remember my death.

The doctor turned to my parents, informing them of the post traumatic stress, I'm experiencing. "She will have to take it slow." He expressed before I tuned him out. They continue to talk as if I'm not there, a little irritated he wrote me off. My brothers stand where my mother once was. Both of them taking hold of my hand, and squeezing. Three little squeezes press against my fingers. Our sibling secret code for, "I love you."

My hand tries to reciprocate the motion, but instead feels like three wiggling fingers, slowly pulsing up and down. My brothers' eyes swell with tears glistening. But not a single tear fell over either of their cheeks. Holding strong, while my parents did the opposite. Not a single word is spoken between the three of us. Just a sibling communication, expressed through our touch, unspoken words. The hurt they felt, when I died, plastered all over their faces. Dr. Finley includes my brothers in the conversation, with my parents. My attention turned to him as well.

"Rose is going to need time and patience. Right now she is weak from her body shutting down, but the more she moves, she will feel better. Her memory will gradually come back. Everything will just take some time." He looked at me, with a quizzical expression. "Rose's brain went without oxygen for four to six minutes, meaning there might be brain damage. Best to keep a close eye on her, in the upcoming days." He's diagnoses and instruction, left me feeling lost. As if aimlessly floating in uncharted waters. His cold eyes looked at me, with pity, I did not want nor need.

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