Round Two

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James drove me home from the sin-filled church. The car ride was peaceful, our fingers braided together and our smiles beaming. I lost my virginity, in a church, with an amazing boy. Yes, I like him. But I do feel a little bad for using him, but I needed a way to brake the contract with Eros. James just happened to be the right guy for the job. I really like him, dare I say, I might be falling for him. He fits all my puzzle pieces, in all the right places.

"I would like to take you to dinner, tonight." James asked. It was actually said as more of a statement than it was a question.

"Where did you have in mind?" I gave him an all-knowing smile. "Because I love food." I gave him a playful wink.

James started to laugh, giving my heart an overload of warmth. I don't think I will ever get over, how amazing his laugh makes me feel.

"Well, how about J Bruners?" He asked, pulling my hand to his lips for a kiss. Our fingers still laced together.

J Bruners was a very fancy restaurant. A single plate alone, coast anywhere from twenty-eight dollars or higher. A stake house if you will. But the chef there was amazing, coming up with new and inventive dishes.

"Are you sure?" I could feel the uncertainty intertwine my vocal cords. I didn't want to make him feel like he had to lavish me, with things just because he took my V-Card.

"Are you kidding?" He playfully asked, squeezing my hand. "I have been wanting to ask you for a year now." His smile unwavering. "Besides I know the chef, we will have the best set in the house."

"Well then, I can't wait!" This was going to be another chance for James and I to talk, without the interruptions of noise people!

As James pulled into the drive way, I grabbed my bag from the back. Just before I left he gave me a mouth watering, amazing kiss. Telling me pick up time was seven sharp. I was beyond excited! Until I saw my brothers standing at the door watching.

"Don't you two have anything better to do than harass your sister!?" I sassed to the pair, rolling my eyes.

"Why are you all sweaty?" Dean suspiciously inquired.

"I went climbing, duh." I brushed past the two, stepping into the house. "I'm going to take a shower, I'm meeting James for dinner tonight." I said as I threw down my climbing bag. "Where mom?" I asked the two.

"MOM!!!" I yelled, not waiting for their reply.

"Jeez, do you have to sound like a dying pterodactyl." Damion hissed, covering his ears.

I smirked. "Why yes, I do." I scrunched my nose, bopping my head back and forth. "And you love it." I teased like the younger sister I am.

"Yeah, well not that." Dean swiftly stated.

I giggled running up the stairs. "Love all of me or non of me!" I hollered back to him heading to the bathroom. Just before shutting the door I heard Damion, mutter something along the lines of, 'she got you there.' Making me laugh even harder.

I quickly striped my clothes jumping in the shower, washing off all the dirt, grim, and sex sweat with coconut butter. For the first time since the accident, I was able to rest my face under the beating water. Relaxation taking hold of this amazing moment of peace. I haven't felt this since before....

(Knock, Knock)

"Rose, it's mom." She yelled, muffled through the door.

"Come in!" I hollered back, lathering my hair. I heard the door click open and a rush of cold air whipped through the shower curtain.

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