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Finally waking from my, not so piece filled slumber. I took to the bathroom, cleaning myself of yesterday's disaster. The pain, still stabbed through my heart, making me numb to the world around me. Feeling the scalding hot water, cascade down my muscles, I couldn't feel the deep pleasure of relief. Normally a shower, washed away, the pain, the hurt. But not this time, this time, I felt nothing.

'I know how you feel.'

Stopping for a second, shocked to hear what sounded like my voice, speaking. I waited for her to speak, but all was silent. Must just be in my head, I thought.

'I am in your head.' She sniped.

"Ok, who's in here?" I said allowed, for all to hear. But all was silent, making me agitated. I peaked out of the curtain, seeing absolutely nothing.

'Guess again.' She mocked.

Confusion took hold of me. What the hell is happening? No one is here, yet I can hear her.

'For hell's sakes, I'm in your head Rose.' She growled.

Giving me a headache, growing like a tumor. The pain, starting to scratch the surface.

"Who are you?" I asked, playing this little game, starting to wash my hair.

'My name is Desira, and we have much to discuss.' She flatly stated.

Still feeling like a joke, I scoffed. Starting to rinse my long, thick waves.

"Ok Desira, what's to discuss?' I half-ass remarked. Scrubbing my body, with my luffa sponge.

When a shooting pain, that felt like a hot iron, landed on my head. A burning, stabbing pain, so intense, waves crashed upon me. Like someone was pulling me, dragging me underwater, just below the surface, until I stood in a dark hole, looking out, watching.

The water turned off, but not by my hand. The curtain swished open, but not by my doing. I could feel my feet touch the plush, foot mat. My eyes looked forward, seeing my naked self in the large bathroom mirror. An Omanis face stared back at me.

My face.

What the hell was happening!?

"You really should flaunt this body more."  Her voice stated, drawing out the word, 'really.' She run her hands down my sides, admiring my fit figure. Before wrapping her body, in my towel.

'What's going on!?' I screamed, into the pit of darkness. Watching through my eyes, as if sitting in a movie theater. Unable to control what was happening, on the outside.

"Calm yourself, Rose. Before I throw you, in the dark mind maze and lock it." She hissed, brushing my wet hair. "Today, I need to run a few errands," She flashed a half smile as if she was remembered something.

'What errands!?' I questioned, she was body jacking me. I'm not sure how this happened, or who she is. But I will be damned if she thinks she is going to control me. I needed to find a way out.

"Just some errands." She spat, like a mean girl to a nerd.


She took her time dressing in the most provocative way possible. Her tastes were like a biker, beach chick. She paired my black leather jacket, with a white tank top. A 'V' cut in the chest, revealing the top curves of my breasts. While a see-through design ran down the center. She found a gaudy, black leather belt in the back of my closet, pairing it with the shortest, shorts I owned. Rips, crossed the front, while the frayed edging covered very little.

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