Loving Him

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Oh, God, my head hurts, my face feels like I ran into a door. It took me a second to get my bearings, feeling my surroundings. I was laying down, something soft under me. I felt warm, something plush, covering me. But my face stung, like a thousand jellyfishes zapping me. Before opening my eyes, I took a deep breath. The last thing I remember, was Lucuas's fist hitting my face.

Slowly, opening my eyes, squinting at the bright lights.

Wait a minute.

I looked around, holding the covers, draped over my body.

This is my bedroom.

What am I doing in my bedroom? Did Lucaus drop me off? Did my parents see anything? How do I make my face stop throbbing!? I silently sobbed, brushing my fingertips, against my bruised cheek. My hair felt wet, placed in a bun on top of my head. Taking a peek under the covers, a large t-shirt, covered my body.

I panicked, feeling for underwear!

Thank the heavens, the cotton was snug.

I stood on wobbly legs, stumbling to my closest. I took the cold handle, steadying myself. Opening the door, I took a step back, shocked at the face starring back at me. Lucuas did a number, on my once beautiful face. How on earth, am I going to explain this?

Both my cheeks, painted a dark purple, specks of blue, outlining fingerprints. The bridge of my nose looked puffy, blending into the under of my eyes. I looked like I was hit by a train, but I smelt nice.


Did I take a shower?

This is all so, overwhelming. Why did Lucuas hit me? Why don't I remember taking a shower? Why won't my face stop hurting!? The look of my face gave me chills. I was going to need, so much makeup, to even look normal. When my phone went off, and a title wave of missed calls and text, lit up the screen. I sat at my desk chair, starting to read the text.

Dena: U almost done?

Is the line that long?

Y u not answering me?

Where did u go?


I read through each of her texts, feeling guilty for not replying. What was I supposed to tell her? 'Hey D, sorry! Was kidnapped and beat up last night. By my biological brother.' Yeah, that would go over nicely. I rolled my eyes to myself, then read on.

Killian:  Could u grab me a coke?

Where u at?

Rose! Answer one of us!?

Dena's going crazy!!
Just let us know ur ok!!

Killian's messages made me feel even worse. I wonder what they did when I didn't reply. In the moment I wasn't even thinking about my phone. Just confused and hurt, Lucuas did that to me. I guess blood isn't always best.

After reading their messages, I went to my voicemail. I had sixteen missed calls from Dena, and five from Killian. My mother left a message, telling me, she and dad would be out late. I'm guessing they agent to the bar, with friends after the game.

Lucuas took me and not a soul knew it. He covered my head, bound my hands and feet, then through me in a trunk. Maybe he's the killer!? Maybe he's the one who killed Sage!? From her vision and our last encounter, it would explain everything. The basement, the mint, the sound of his footsteps. All of it, I felt what she felt. Trapped, helpless, and scared for my life. Lucuas was a monster and I needed to prove it!

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