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My mother stayed by my father's side, who was still healing from his surgery. While my brother Dean took on being my parental figure. I wasn't allowed to miss another day of school, according to my mother. It didn't matter that I almost died, or the fact my father was just in major heart surgery. Maybe my mom wanted him all to herself? Damion, went back to running the shop while dad heals. It's what he was made for. Strong, helping, kind, a true leader driven for success. Don't get me wrong he could be an ass, but he was more than ready to take on the challenge of the shop, alone.

My father woke for a few moments, before his body shut down once again. He was beyond exhausted from death's cruel attack. But when he was awake he spoke words of love and comfort. After that my mother shooed Dean and myself off to home. I was grateful for some much needed rest, since I have school tomorrow. A busy day too. You think your father having emergency open heart surgery, would allow a few acceptable absentee days. But my mother wouldn't allow it. She makes my brain tired.

Speaking of tired, my brain hurts from all the information, viscously thrashed upon me today. I hugged my brother, leaving him from the couch and TV. We were watching old episodes of 'Arrow'.

"Night Dean." I said walking up the stairs, to my room.

"Night Rose, I will be here on the couch tonight if you need me." He said, his eyes not leaving the TV.

I couldn't help but chuckle a little, my eyes still glued to his slouched figure. I tell you there could be a tornado right in the front yard, and his eyes still wouldn't leave the damn tv. Once he was zoned in, there was no zoning out. But if anything were to happen to me, he would be by my side in a heartbeat. It's a sibling thing, kinda annoying yet loved. I know with him and Damion, I will always be safe. But a twinge of pain hit my heart. I wondered if they knew we were only half siblings. I still loved them with all my heart. I hope they will love me the same, once they find out.

My sluggish feet finally made it up to the top of the stairs. My feet carried me to the door frame, of my bedroom door. Not bothering to turn my lights on, I closed my door. Striping my clothes one by one, hearing each flop as my body becomes naked. Stalking over to the 'clutter chair', my eyes seeing nothing but darkness. My hands searching, fingers feeling for something to wear. When I felt the soft fabric of my favorite sleep shirt.

My hands fumbled the fabric around, searching for the head hole. When it was found, I swiftly draped my body in the oversized maroon tee. How I loved the supple material, brushing against my skin. Before I knew it, my body was already snuggled into, my queen size bed. The covers tucked under my body so as to not let anyone or thing under them. No air, and most certainly no prying fingers. With that last thought all snuggled in, my mind welcomed the sleep my body desperately craved.

************            ************            *************

The feeling of hands running along my skin, erupted goosebumps all over my body. The scent of cinnamon, nutmeg and sandalwood, captured my smell. My new favorite scent, filling my lungs with every rapid inhale. Soft kisses linger upon my neck, sucking lightly nipping. Small moans fill the silence, with ever lingering touch. His hands glide my shirt over my chest, the soft material tickling my sensitive skin.  Another whimper escapes my lips as the tingles of his kiss erect my nipples.

He knows what I want, when I want it. Teasing every bit of available skin, with his sinful touch. He started trailing kisses, from my left ear, down my neck, over my very aroused chest, grazing my contracted stomach. Till finally his lips teased my inner thighs, gently sucking and biting to my groin. My chest heaved with delight of anticipation. Before my lungs filled with air his mouth blew on my hot sex. My sharp breath, filled my chest to the brim, arching my back with satisfaction.

His wicked tongue flicked out, curling against my pulsing clit. Sending tidal wave, after tidal wave of pleasure against my core. His tongue curling with the waves, like the tides drawing back. His sinister lips suction around my nub, viscously taking more of me into his mouth. Whimpering from his delectable torture. His chest rumbles with pleasure, adding vibrations directly to my clit. It's as if the pleasure was so intense, when I opened my mouth there was silence. Cries of pleasure stuck in my throat.

When I felt that twinge deep in my belly. The feeling building, my body thrashing against his torturous tongue. Thrust up and down, rocking my hips to his delicious rhythm. My sweet escape to pure ecstasy, crashing down through my core. Pulse after pulse riding out the sensational throb between my legs. When his finger plunged into my drenched flower. The sounds of 'slush' filling the air, his fingers curling against my g spot. Sending another earth shattering orgasm, pulsing through my body. This one feeling more intense than the last.

When my orgasmic moans stopped filling the space, his body pressed down against mine. Trapping me between his demonic body and the bed. His heavy breath fanning against my ear.

"You're almost ready for me, my sweet Rosie." His deep voice lust filled. "Soon Rosie, very soon."

With a final kiss upon my neck, just below my ear, his presence disappeared, the pressure of his body vanishing into the night. The cold air clashing with my heated flesh, leaving me craving more of his everlasting touch. I was alone once again in the deep of the night.

***********            ************.           *************

The next morning the sun peeked through my curtains, waking me just before, Dean knocked on my door.

Making sure my body was fully covered, before inviting him in.

"Come in." I said my morning raspy voice, needing a touch of water.

The door to my bedroom swung open, Dean walked in just as groggy as myself.

"Just making sure you're up. It's seven thirty, better get moving." He spoke through a yawn, it's amazing I understood him.

A yawn escapes my mouth, second after his ended. Damn it's weird how our brains work. I just nodded to his still droopy eyes. I guess that was sufficient confirmation, because he slowly turned around, shutting the door behind him. Pushing the cover over my legs to my feet, I stepped out of bed heading to my closet. What's on the agenda for today.

Pure hell. With a little bit of bliss.


Hey all! So a lot has happened a lot of information! I'm just checking in with everyone if they are confused or if your really likening the plot line so far?

What's your thoughts as to who killed Sage!?

I want to know if your catching my little hints hear and there!?

Please comment! Vote!!! Let me hear from you!

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