Desira, Meet James

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James POV

I watched as Rose fell into the tree line. I didn't mean to nudge her that hard. I thought it was soft but I guess, I was mistaken. I immediately jumped to her side, taking in her little figure. She had blood saturating her hairline. Making me panic, checking for her pulse. Thank the Lord, it was there and strong. My poor Rose, most have blacked out when her head hit the ground.

I knelt down next to her unconscious body, cradling her in my lap. I didn't want to move her too much, afraid of hurting her more. How could I have been so rough with her, I was raised better than that. I took my cell phone from my back pocket. Opening the lock screen, I started to dial Killian. Only my phone started to beep, no service, damn it.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I noticed Rose's eyes started to move. Not in a flutter open kind of way, but rapidly moving, back and forth. Freaking out a little, I slowly placed Rose back on the ground. Her head gently leaned to the side. Maybe she has a concussion, or a brain bleed? Maybe this was her body's reaction to the trauma? I started to think, maybe if I walked back to the cliff, I would get cell service.

Before leaving Rose's side, her eyes shot open. Looking up to the treetops, she took in her surroundings. Like she didn't realize where she was. Her beautiful green eyes, locked with mine. Only the gaze she held was not one I liked. Her demeanor looked angry, her eyes held pure hate. This girl standing before me, looked nothing like my Rose.

It scared me.

I jumped to my feet, carefully watching as she too stood. Rolling her shoulders back, she circled her neck, stretching. Like she was getting ready for a fight, a physical fight. Rose doesn't do that, she lets her mouth fight her battles. She took a step towards me so I took one back. What's wrong with her? Did she hit her head too hard and get amnesia?

"Rose, are you all right?" I asked calmly, not wanting to set her off.

When she took another step forward, I retreated. I didn't want to fight her, it's my fault she feels this way. Until she spoke, catching me off guard. Not sounding at all like the Rose, I love.

"James, James, James." She taunted, sizing me up. "I don't know, what she sees in you." She spat, sounding like a viscous animal.

I asked her once again, "Rose, are you all right?" Hoping she would come out of whatever, this is.

When she laughed a menacing laugh, filling the forest surrounding us. I needed to get to the top of the cliff, make a call to 911. Something is very wrong, what have I done?

"James, what you fail to see." She paused for dramatic effect.

Filled with drama, not my Rose.

"I am not your Rose." She cooed, enjoying her own show.

While she was enthralled, with herself, I took a step towards the cliff. But she noticed, sidestepping me.

"Rose, I think somethings wrong, you hit your head pretty hard." I tried reaching out to her yet again, only to be laughed at.

"Weren't you listening?" She sassed, taking another step. "I'm not your Rose."

Not my Rose? I'm so confused. What is she talking about?

"Then who are you?" I asked, wondering what she was going to say. When she took another step, positioning herself, uphill from me, an arms length away.

What is she doing?

She grinned a wicked smile, slowly revealing her teeth. That was beyond creepy, and very out of character, for Rose. What did she do? Hit her head and start thinking she was the 'Wicked Witch of the West'?

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