Shariff Randy

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"Before everyone leaves! I need your designs for the mural this weekend." Mrs. Sukup shouts as the final bell rings for the day. She stands by the door taking everyone's sketches, and halting those who haven't finished. Lucas, Becky, Tena, and Emmadell all stand to the side while the rest of us leave.

"Rose! Would you please stay dear?" I swear all teachers do all day is shout at kids.

Turning back, I walked in the door as it closed behind me. Cutting us off from the freedom we desperately desire.

"You four didn't finish your designs, so consider this detention. Finish them up and you can leave." Her curt words make the four grown in pain.

"I have cheer practice, Mrs. Suk-up." Becky snarks.

"Yeah well, I actually have to be somewhere that actually matters Beck-yyy." Tena hisses rolling her eyes.

Lucas and Emmadell just watch as the two bit each others heads off. I can't help but snicker to myself. Receiving a warning look for Mrs. Sukup, to shut up.

"Well, then you two should hurry and finish up then." Sukup dour voice echoes off the walls.

Without a word the four head to the tables to finish up there designs. Sukup gestures for me to fallow her to her desk. She sits comfortably down wiggling her butt to find the best position, before leaning back. Taking a pin in her hands she starts to fiddle with it before looking up at me.

"Am I in trouble?" I looked at her a little worried. I don't think my mental status can take much more.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing, you looked a little pale today." Her concerned eyes take in my figure, I can't help but fidget stalling. Trying to come up with an excuse, a lie.

"I ate some bad fish at lunch today." Was all I could come up with. Hopefully the will believe me, I'm not a very good lier. My facial expressions always give me up.

"Ok well, get some rest tonight, remember I need you this weekend! Get better." Taking her eyes off me she yells at Lucas throwing paper balls at Becky. I feel bad for Emmadell though, she is such a quiet sweet girl. Left alone with the animals.

Heading to my locker, Dena and Killian are shmoozing one another. A hand full of students still loitering in the halls.

"You two ready?"

"Yeah girl lets drop Killian off and head to the Sheriffs Department." Dumbfounded she just started at me, forgetting the fact, what I told her was to stay between us.

"Sheriffs Department?" Killian questions glancing back and forth between Dena and I.

With Dena still stupefied, I quickly lied. Witch seams to be a reoccurring thing these days.

"Oh, ya, sorry, I didn't tell you. Someone stole my iPad, I have to report it for insurance purposes." Lying like a dog, the words skid through my teeth.

"Man. That sucks." Distasteful and empathetic to my imaginary misplaced iPad.

**********.              ************.              ************

Dropping Killian home, Dena waves goodbye. When he is safely out of hears reach my furrowed brow and narrowed eyes snap at Dena.


"I know I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking! Killian and I tell each other everything! I just forgot!!" Pleading to me for forgiveness, I'm not sure I want to give.

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