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Pulling into the 'lot', Dena stood on the steps, a bag, draped from her left shoulder. I stopped for a quick second before she hustled to the Jeep. Tossing her bag in the back, I heard a thud, causing me to turn around. A pair of black roses, lay flat, reminding me of James. Her bag tipped the small vase of flowers, the water, pooling in the crevasses of Jane's leather.

I mentally scolded, Dena. While she shrugged innocently, at my annoyed face. Two roses left. Did that mean, Desira has plans to kill two more people? I needed to get out of here!? I needed to protect them, all of them.

We pulled into my house, both Dena and I jumped out, running to the door. I sprinted to the closet in the back of the kitchen. My parents had a safe, filled with money from the shop's business. I took the black purse, still draped over my shoulder from Desira. Placing wads of cash in my bag.

Dena, stood behind me, probably to shocked, to chastise me. I grabbed around ten thousand dollars and my important documents. Shoving everything into the black purse, I shut the safe, turning to Dena. She looked, cold, like she did the day Eros, tortured her.

Shit, Eros.

"Dena, I'll explain in the Jeep ." I rushed to her, sliding my hands down her arms, to grip her fingers. "I need you to trust me." I asked, with pleading eyes.

She nodded her head, understanding what I was asking. I took hold of her hand, dragging her behind me. There was no going back, this was it. I stole from my parents, I took my documents, I killed.

Dena and I took a ride, heading into the city. I needed to make sure, once I left, she was protected. I explained everything to her, as crazy as it sounded, divulging all my dirty secrets. It didn't matter if she tattled, I was leaving, and they would never find me.

She was shocked to say the least, and I told her I was in control, but I didn't know for how long. We pulled into the city, stopping in front of a tattoo shop. Looking around, this place looked familiar, until I saw what it was. Across the street sat an old rundown shop, the faint, outline of madam Tanda's, sign fading.

I wonder why her shop closed down? I thought to myself, feeling an itch, in my brain.

Shit. I need to hurry.

Dena followed me into the tattoo shop like a lost puppy. I didn't blame her, I threw a lot at her in less than an hour. It was a lot to process, and I'm hoping she's going to be ok with this as well.

"Can I help you?" A gruff fat man, coated in tattoos, asked. His head was as bald as a baby's butt, while his beard looked long enough to braid.

"Yeah, we need a tattoo." I said gesturing towards Dena and myself.

The fat man chuckled to himself, eyeing the pair of us. Catching the attention of the other guy, currently, tattooing a biker. He looked younger, like an E-boy, with his dangling earring. The fat man spoke pulling my eyes back to him.

"How old are you two?" He asked.

He knew we looked underage, and I looked like a slut in this outfit. So why not use it. I walked to his chair pulling out two thousand dollars. He eyed the money, then looked back at me. I puffed out my chest, dragging his eyes to my cleavage.

"Eighteen." I smirked. Knowing he's going to take the money.

The fat man looked at his partner, mulling over the idea. Until he looked back to Dena and my, taking the money from my hands.

"What do you want?" He asked, counting the money.

I asked for a pencil and paper, sketching the protection sigil, on it. Eros would never be able to haunt Dena, ever again. Better yet, he would never be able to enter my mind again. This wasn't some marker, upon our skin. This was permanent, protecting us until death.

I handed him the sketch, having Dena take a seat.

"Where do you want it?" He asked, eyeing her.

She looked at me dumbfounded, this was my idea. She was just going along with it, so I spoke for her.

"Back of her neck, small." I pointed around the area.

Dena always wore her hair down, so the tattoo would be easily hidden.

"Ok." Was all he said, before getting to work, on her tattoo.

I held her hand, watching as she gritted her teeth. The pain level she was feeling was pretty high, considering it was on her vertebrae. But she knew as well as I, that was the perfect place, and it needed to be done.

The fat man finished hers, and the look of relief, on her face, was priceless. Now it was my turn. Stripping my jacket, we traded places, face down, on his chair.

"Where do you want it?" He asked, in a monotone voice.

I answered back, the same as he, "left shoulder."

He got to work, preparing my skin, it was almost relaxing. He turned the gun on, and the sound of buzzing filled the space. The spikes of the needles hit my flesh, causing pain to shoot through me. When a familiar voice echoed in my head.

'What are you doing?' She asked.

I tried to ignore her, but she kept nagging, giving me a headache.

'Getting a tattoo.' I plainly stated, in my head, answering her.

'Of what?' She asked impatiently.

'A protection sigil, from Eros.' I told her, still talking in my mind.

When a stabbing pain crossed my temples.

"Dena." I gritted, trying to fight the pain. Holding her hands, as she crouches down, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm here." She whispered, back.

"She's fighting me." I groaned, in pain, trying to build a brick wall, to block Desira out.

"Hold on, Rose!" Dena encourages, squeezing my hands for support.

The tattoo needed to be finished. I couldn't let her win, not yet. Not until he's done. As if understanding my pained face, Dena asked the question.

"Are you almost done?"

"Yeah", he grunted. "On the last line."

Ok, last line, hold on. He has to finish. I kept repeating to myself, squeezing Dena's hands. The pain became more than I could bear. But I couldn't let go, it was like she was stabbing my brain with a knife, over and over again. Black dots, started to cloud my vision. The last thing I remember, was the swipe of a cold rag, brushing my irritated skin.


Hey all! Here you go! Next chapters going to be fun! Desira talks to Dena!

Thanks for the votes and comments!

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