Getting Close

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Sheriff Randy POV

It's Friday night, I should be at the local high school game. Showing my support for our quaint little community, cheering on the Salix Bluejays. Watching my high school alma-mater win yet another home game. But more importantly, keeping my eyes on Rose Violance.

Something about her just doesn't sit right with me. I have known her, her whole life. She's always been so trusting of everyone, curious, and innocent. Just like the little girl all those years ago. She hasn't changed one bit, always the same sweet and sassy six-year-old, staying out of trouble, going to church, until lately that is, that's why I need to watch her. Make sure she, doesn't end herself in a problematic situation.

I knew when I arrested her the evidence wouldn't stick. I just needed her to answer my questions, I needed her parents to know what she fell into. They see me as their son's friend. That's fine. But it's my job to catch a killer, and Rose needed to stay far away.

But instead, I'm here, trying to figure out a puzzle. Staring at a storyboard, drinking my fourth cup of coffee. After my third cup, I hadn't bothered with sugar. The dark roast permanently stained to my tongue, bidder, with every sip. The caffeine seems to calm my nerves, oddly. Must be a jitter thing, I'm always on the go, coffee keeps me awake and focused.

Bouncing my sight from peg to peg, connecting clues as the evidence unfolds. Evidence started to unfold, starting with the murders back in 1993. The first sighting of teen girls, murdered and buried in their hometown. All blond hair, blue eyes, wearing white tanks, in just their underwear. Hands and ankles bound, left to rot in a shallow grave.

Our first clue, DNA, on all the victims. Only, forensics back then couldn't seem to match any in the database. He continued to killing until 1998, or so we though since that was the last body found. The case files soon became cold, leaving all those families wounded, fearful, and scorn.

Until, last week. Last week God decided to give us a clue.

After going over the evidence from Sage's death, I noticed similarities between the two cases. Sage matched the description of the other girls perfectly. The only difference, she was found in water. Leading me to the lake. Why would someone dump a body on the jumping cliff of Willow lake? Possibly, because they wanted the body found. Maybe?

I pondered before coming back to my conclusion. Jack Finley's lake house was the only one close enough to the crime scene. Sage ran barefoot through the forest, dying of asphyxiation. She couldn't have run far, Jack's home was the closest. Forensic's found Roses DNA, Mint, and another's DNA. Small bruising under Sage's jaw line causing her death.

Rose gave me the locket with a picture of a hummingbird on the inside. The fingerprints found on that were of both, Rose's and some black smudge. The things that she started saying, talking about evidence unreleased to the public. Sage's clothing, the rope burns, her brushing. Rose knew things, only the killer would know. So I started to watch her closer.

Rose found the body, so that explains her DNA. Leading me back to Dr. Finley. I took a sample of his DNA found at the hospital, swiping an old water cup.

After running his DNA, it matched the murders of 1993-1998. We got the son of a bitch. A judge signed a warrant for his arrest. We went to both his house and work finding out he skipped town. Telling the hospital he needed vacation time. He was on the run, making his house evidence.

At his house, I found the same kind of mint that was found on the scene. The same mint, found with Sage's body. The smell so strong, it covered the stench of blood that was just behind the red cellar doors. The one place no one considered looking, a doctor's basement. Where he hid, tormented, and raped those girls.

Also found was more of Sage's DNA. She was held there. The scene, showing she fought for her life. A very brave girl she was. But tonight, I was waiting, waiting for the DNA, to match Dr. Jack Finley to Sage Spiriteen's death.

My phone rang distracting me from my thoughts.

"Sheriff Randy, speaking." I muttered, still in train of thought.

"Hey Randy, it's Lucy, from the Montgomery County forensics." She sounded chipper.

"Hey, Lucy! Got good news for me!?" I rushed.

She pondered for a second before speaking. My guess to scan over the results one last time.

"Yeah, we just finished up on the DNA tests. Tracing to an unknown person." She drew out her answer, thinking to herself. "Dr. Jack Finley's DNA, wasn't found on Sage's body."

"Interesting." I told her. Taking in the fact that Jack didn't kill Sage. But someone else did. Damn. I thought I had him.

"Yeah, but here's where it gets interesting. All though the DNA isn't Jack's, I compared the unknown DNA to his, just for shits and giggles. Turns out the DNA is so close, it's more than likely an offspring." She informed me.

"Thanks, Lucy!" I fired back, almost hanging up the phone. Processing that Jack has a child! Who is probably following in the footsteps of the father? Until I hear her yell! Stopping me, from hanging up. I placed the phone back to my ear.

"What?" I asked.

"Randy, the DNA found on Sage's body was Roses, and the DNA matching Finley's. But here's the thing. Rose's DNA matches Finley's and the unknown's, as well. Meaning Dr. Finley, is Rose's father." She hushed out, drawing her conclusion as if a secret for only us to hear.

Rose was Dr. Finley daughter? That can't be. I watched her grow up, her older brother was my best friend. I remember giving her piggyback rides and playing hide and seek with the sweet little girl. I only thought her suspicions, because of the DNA found on Sage's body, and the fact Rose has Sage's locket.

Without saying goodbye, I hung up the phone. The click, signaling the call ended was the only thing heard in our dead office.

Finley was gone, but she was still here. And who Is this unknown child of Jack's?

When Joe talked to me in church last Sunday. That must have been the reason why the said Rose was going through a tough time. She must have found out Finley was her father.

It all makes sense.

Whoever killed Sage, was Jack's kid. That's the person I'm looking for. Rose is going to tell me, after all she did say; 'When you start connecting dots, come find me.'

Well, Rose, you got your wish. Because I know, your sibling is the killer.


O man he's not completely wrong but he's on the right track.

Why do you think, he thinks it's not Rose?

Is his past with her and her family clouding his Judgment?

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