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Eros continued his lust-filled advances, throughout the morning. It especially didn't help that we were partnered for English. Making it way too easy for him to touch, caress and whisper his plans into my ear. With every touch and every husk tone, my body betrayed me. Falling for his demonic charms. He broke down the walls I was trying to build. I could not wait for lunch. Just to have a second, away from his dark advances.


Thank god the bell rang, it was time for some grub and a much needed break. I scurried out of Eros grasps and headed for my locker, putting my books away before he could catch up to me. I didn't wait for Dena, instead, heading straight for the cafeteria. I will see her in there anyway. I quickly stood in line, getting my proportionate school lunch. They never give you quite as much as you would like.

James and Killian were already sitting at our usual lunch spot. Both eating like cavemen, scarfing their food without a glancing up. I stood there, holding my tray, blinking down at the two. Ewwww, boys are so gross. I took my seat, setting my tray on the tabletop, alerting them of my presence, since they were so engrossed with their food. James took his last bite, before looking up at me with a mouth full. Killian wasn't far behind him, finishing his plate.

"You look beautiful today." James smiled, locking his fingers with mine. I blushed a little, even after a restless night of sleep, in a jail cell for goodness sakes, he still thinks I'm beautiful. A smile crept along my pink lips. How did I get so lucky?

"I love your smile." I say, after a moment of ogling him. My eyes took in every defined feature of his baby face and boyish charm.

The cafeteria suddenly went into an uproar. The cheer squad started pepping the student body. This is Smash week after all. I can't wait to watch James Friday night! Finally, get to see my man in action.

When Killian decided to grab our attention.

"Have you seen Dena?" He asked scanning the cafeteria, looking from the doors to the lunch line then to James and myself.

I hadn't waited for Dena, so maybe she was at my locker. Normally, we always meet there, maybe that's it.

"She could be waiting for me at my locker?" I stated in more of a question of confusion.

"I'll go check." He uttered, still unsure of where his beautiful love, could be. James offered to help look, leaving me alone. I wasn't upset, he was helping his best friend. I finished eating my food alone, reading a book, to pass the time. The annoying chatter and chants, making it hard to stay focused.

Finally, the bell rang, but there was no sign of any of them. I headed for my locker then to class. Dena!! She was facing forward, sitting stiff as a statue, and she stared blankly ahead, looking at the whiteboard. Her body in a perfect ninety-degree angle. This is way beyond out of character for my Dena.

"D, you feeling ok?" Asking her, an obvious question, I sat down at the desk next to hers.

She ignored my question, staring expressionless at the whiteboard. I lightly touched her hand, feeling her ice-cold skin. Something is monumentally wrong here!

"Dena! Snap out of it!" I raised my voice, not quite to a yell but, it was certainly no whisper.  I cupped Dena's freezing cheeks in my warm hands, tilting her eyes to meet mine.

"Come back to me D." Beckoning for her to come alive. A small tear started to, glide down my cheek. I don't understand what's happening.

Just then Eros walked into the class, everyone ignoring the scene taking place. It's as if they were bewitched, acting as though, I wasn't creating a commotion. His eyes looked like fire, burning into my flesh. He then looked to Dena, helplessly sitting like a ghost. His body came pushing into mine, his broad chest, forcing me back. He stood tall looking down at me with that devil face. The smirk of all smirks, smug and childish.

He then looked to Dena placing the palm of his hand on her head. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. Looking back at me with his smoldering eyes.

"This is how easy it is to hurt you. Start behaving." He's harsh husk tone, left me weak at the knees. What an ass! Where is Dena's mark!? I thought I told her, so she was protected! How could I have been so stupid!? Eros walked away, without giving me a chance to say my peace.

"Dena." I murmured, bending down to her line of sight. It looked as if she was tortured. The bags under her eyes, looked black as night.

She looked into my eyes, her expressionless face now showing fear and sorrow. She was shaking scared, as tears streamed down her face.

"He's a monster." She whispered, embracing me in a tight hug. I knew she was talking about Eros. What did he do to her?

"Shhhh, I'm here D. It's ok. Let's go for a walk." I somewhat used my arms to pick Dena up. Helping her, until she was able to balance herself.

We walked the halls, skipping class. She told me of how awful Eros was. How he made her submit to him. How he took over her body toying with her. She was mortified. Feeling as though she was raped. But it was all in her head. Eros only physically touched her head, spiraling her to his will. Doing what an incubus Demon does best.

Time to mark Dena and just maybe James and Killian too. No one is safe, not one person in this school. The bell rang, and I took her to Killian. The worry and frustration held in his eyes. Showed just how much he loved her. It pained me to see him feel helpless, but I guess we all were. It seems like the more I try to protect myself, the more all the people around me seem to get hurt.

That week Eros commanded me to remove the symbol, from my bedroom wall. Another stipulation was for me to wash off, my protection symbol. I did as he asked, not wanting anything to happen to anyone else. I could handle him, I know his games. I can fight fire with fire.

Just you wait, and see.


O no loves! Eros is taking things to a hole new level!

Poor Dena and Killian. Breaks my heart!

The next chapter is going to be a bang!

Vote comment! Share my story on your page 😉 hook a writer up! Lol thanks for the love and support! Enjoy!

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