The Incident

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                                    James POV

Rose and Dena pull up and park next to my mustang. The blue Jeep shimmers, like the lake water ricochetting the sun. Beautiful in every way, just like her driver. Rose slips her shades up, holding her wild black beach curls as if it was a headband. Her cut off T-shirt reveals her perfectly sculpted body, cut from collar to hem. Her luscious long legs, toned while she stands at the edge of her Jeep. I can't help staring at her in awe. Keep it together. I tell myself.

Rose lays on her horn, knocking me out of my admiring gaze. "You two done sucking face!? Cuz this chick is ready to party!" Her witty banter sends a smirk to my lips. Laughter fills the air, as she starts to sway her delicious hips. The four of us make our way to the beach, but I can't keep my eyes off her. I wonder if she's into me? I mean I would be lucky to have a sassy girl like her as my girl. She's strong, athletic, wild and smart. If only she knew, just how amazing she is.

My feet hit the hot sand, when my eyes find the only empty spot on the beach. Signaling the other three to that spot, we all start to disrobe, leaving us in our suits. Shamelessly taking a peak at Rose, when she wasn't looking. Her body is beyond attractive in every way imaginable.

"You wanna jump the cliff?" I asked Killian, tipping my head to the direction of the drop.

"Um, you know I'm not a fan of heights.", he rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. "I'll just stay with Dena and walk in. You go ahead!" Poor guy has too many fears. That's basically how we became best friends - from his first bully to best buds, he always knew I would protect him. Shifting my weight I awkwardly turned to Rose.

"You wanna?" I suggest, secretly hoping she says yes.

"Yeah, that was my plan anyway." She seemed repulsed by me or my question, I couldn't tell which. But she was at least going with me, our sandy foot prints dispersing, as we left the beach.

Making our way to the cliff, I let Rose slightly walk in front of me. For the best view of the beach. The hike to the top isn't easy, but not enough to break a sweat. Loud hollers erupt ahead signaling, that we're close to the top. Rose's hazel eyes look back at me, her chest heaving from the hike. The lake became visible, as we ascended to the top. When my boys spot me, running full speed, tackling me to the ground. My team and brothers for life! Turning my attention back to Rose, I would love nothing more than to jump with her hand in hand. She stands at the cliff waving.

"You going?" I asked, with a light smile and teasingly cocking my eyebrow, in an attempt to flirt.

"Yeah." She rapidly fired, suggesting, she didn't catch it.

She turns around distancing herself from the edge, then turning back, looking at the drop. With out hesitation, she sprint full speed, leaping with grace. Her long legs curling into the air, tucking into a somersault. She plunged into the water, feet first, her entrance leaving small ripples across the water. Looking out to the beach I spotted Killian, rubbing sunscreen on Dena's shoulders. Someday I hope to find a woman like that. My eyes drifted back to the spot, Rose jumped in. Searching for her head in the water, I frantically start to scan the area. My eyes widened coming to realization, she must still be under water.

Without hesitation I dove in the water after her. The cool wind hitting my face, just before connecting with the warm water. My feet furiously kicking, pushing me closer to the bottom. The deeper I swam the darker it got. When my eyes focused, I saw Rose's body convulsing to a stop. Her left ankle held down by the rope attached to a...a....body?! Finally reaching her I untangled the rope from her limp body. Wrapping her in my arms, hastily swimming to the surface. Shouting for help when I finally reached standing water.

A few guys ran out to help me drag her body ashore. Killian began, calling 911. Dena frantically rushed to Roses side, while my hands start to pump her rib cage. Thankfully I took CPR last summer with my sister. I continued to pump, till I had to stop, my fingers tilted her chin up, causing her head to fell back. Sealing my lips around hers, I huffed my breath, filling her lungs with life. Moments later an ambulance was heard, but I never stopped. I pushed through my fatigue. Rose needed to live and this was her only chance. I thrust my body forward, leaning into her harder, with every push. An EMT fall to my side, relieving me of my duty.

"How long has she been out?" Her voice calm.

"Two minutes maybe three!" I speedily responded.

Continuing CPR, Rose was placed in the ambulance, the rear doors shutting, leaving the last image I have of her, burned into my brain.

Please don't die Rose. Not yet. Not before I have a chance to show you, just how much you're worth.

The ambulance disappears from sight leaving the beach of teens, shocked. I lay there on my knees worried I would never see her again.

"God don't take her from me. Please." My breath whispered to the man above.


So this is my first time doing a males POV! Would love feed back! Does it sound like a man or does he seam to feminine?

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