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Sheriff Randy POV

It's been ten years since, the the Sulix murders. Since receiving that letter, from the Humming bird killer. Every day, I searched, finding a new body, finding another black rose. Tell one day, the FBI, showed up on my door step. Asking question about the black rose killer. Why? Because I had inquired about body's, all over the country. The Humming Bird Killer, became the serial killer of the decade. With a total of  seventy-six body, found.

Through out the years, the killer antagonized, me. Sending clues as to where, the next body could be found. That's when the FBI, asked for me to join their team. I knew this case better than any one, I was evidence they needed. Shining light on their black rose killer, known in my letters as the humming bird killer.

The past decade has left us on a chase, searching for her. The little clues she leaves behind, from black roses, to love letters, and clues as to her next victim. She changed the game, her father started. The victims, use to be women, blond hair, blue eyes. Sexually, restrained, found with their hands and ankles tied. But she, she chose a different kind of victim.


It only makes since for her to go after men, instead of women. Her sexual gratification, comes from them. Her victims, all blond hair and blue eyes, just like Lucuas, and James. That's right, James, a black rose was left upon his grave. Left there for his mother to find, when she came back to cry.

The black rose on James's grave was my second clue. Apart from the rose left on Lucua's chest, James had one on his grave. Leading me to the flower shop, that has cameras, showing Rose purchasing, the small Bouquet of flowers.


The DNA, she left, lead us to her. But not a single clue, as to where she was going, was left behind. Dena Baker, Roses best friend, went missing, two months after Rose left town. Her family was in a panic as to her disappearance of their youngest daughter. With Lucuas dead and Jack on the run, life stood still. Unsure as to what happened to Dena, she was missing and there was no body, to be found.

Until, an envelope, came to my office, sent from Dallas, Texas. A envelope filled with black rose pedals, a letter, giving me the address of her latest victim. I remember in that moment the dread I felt, thinking it was Dena's body.

The letter read; You're not trying.

Written in blood, from her latest kill. A clue, I prayed, wasn't Dena's. After, sending everything to the lab, I was pleased to hear it wasn't hers, but a males. My guess, her M.O., blond hair, blue eyes. That's the exact moment the FBI, flagged me down.

The Violance family, had left Sulix, closing down Joes Shop. The towns people blamed them for the hurt they felt. The family took up residence, in a city outside New York. Trying to run from the fact their daughter was dead, or a murder. The FBI keeps an eye on the family, just incase Rose, ever decides to make an appearance. But over the past decade, all have been silent, but her kills keep, coming.

I often visit the family, not for personal reasons, but more business. My team leader, Louis, thought it would be better, if a person they knew, checked on them. More willing to open up, I guess. There's a lot of psychology techniques used, in the FBI. I just made it because, Rose, thought it would be fun, to play with me.

She was mistaken.

Because I wasn't one to play with. I'm not a toy, she can use and abuse. I wasn't going to let her use me as a puppet. My arms and legs had no strings attached. I was going to hunt her down like the animal she has become, because today was a special day.

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