Hello Dena

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Dena POV

Staring into the eyes of a devil, Desira squeezed my hands, unbearably tight. Bringing my full attention to her, heated gaze.

"Hello, Dena." She addressed me, tilting her head to the side, scanning my face.

I'm shocked to say the least, I have never met her and Rose didn't tell me, Desira knew me. I tried to pull my hands from her vice grip, but she squeezed even tighter. So tight, my blood flow was cut off, my fingers, turning a ghostly white.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, curious as to how much she knew of me.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes, and sat up. The tattoo artist, having no idea what's happening, eyed us warily. She slung Roses, leather jacket over her shoulders, flinching as the fabric hit her skin.

"It doesn't surprise me, you don't remember me." She half sassed, pulling her left shoulder from the jacket. She looked at the tattoo, from a mirror point of view, in disgust, mumbling, curse words to herself.

When would I have ever met her? How long has she been in Rose's body? Has she ever pretended to be Rose? All these questions flooded my brain before I locked eyes with her.

I'm sure she saw my utter confusion, while she readjusted the jacket over her shoulder. Slinging the black purse over her right shoulder, avoiding the new ink.

"Let's go." She commanded, walking past the bald big guy. When he spoke to both of us, still counting the money, Rose handed him.

"Keep those clean." He stated, not lifting his eyes.


Desira sashayed to the door, her walk is much more provocative than Roses. Her style, her whole demeanor, it's all different. More sinful, sensual, she seemed monitory. Someone I would have remembered meeting, or even seen in Rose.

She jumped into Rose's Jeep, eyeing me to hurry up. I didn't want to be left here, so I scurried to the passenger side. Desira turned the Jeep on and changed the toons to rock.

Definitely not Rose.

"We met, once before." She started to say. "The night Rose killed that dog." She told me, vexation in her tone. Drawing out the word dog, in such displeasure.

"I'm sure I would have remembered, meeting you." I whispered out, eyeing her from the corners of my eyes. She chuckled to herself, keeping her eyes on the road.

She sat so straight, confident even, with her shoulders rolled back, pushing out her chest. Rose told me how crazy she is, how she kills, for enjoyment. I didn't want her pissed at me, I wanted to live.

"That was the day, Rose let me out." She confessed, continuing her story. "I am the true Rose, the Rose she was meant to be. But instead, I was pushed to the darkest part of her brain. A maze, deep in Rose's mind, built to hide me." She paused for dramatic effect. "At the moment Rose killed that dog, her pure little heart couldn't take the pain. She killed something innocent, and so the door was opened."

Desira's eyes pierced mine as if remembering the exact moment. Joy, lighting the hues of her eyes.

"I'm the one who peaks out when Rose is scared, or angry. I'm the one who protects her. I'm stronger and more fierce than Rose could ever be. She needs me, more than she knows."

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