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Eros looked at me, with such anger, it gave me the chills. I loved it, I loved his ruff hands, touching my sensitive skin. His voice was like a melody to my ears. A symphony of a wanderlust melody. I puffed my chest out, giving my breasts more attention. His eyes dipped examining the little bundles of joy. Did I mention Rose didn't put a bra on. Clever girl.

"I mean, I'm not Rose." I lulled the words, licking my tongue, slowly and deliciously across my lips. "My name is Desira." I said once more. Wanting him to say it.

"Who are you Desira?" He asked leaning back in his chair, clasping his hands, braiding his long fingers. "What are you?" He asked, propping his ankle on his knee.

I smiled, looking to the floor. He was beginning to ask all the right questions.

"I am apart of Rose. A part she created, hiding who she really is." My eyes searching his expression for understanding.

"Are you telling me, my Rosie has a split mind?" Eros puzzled. Trying to put things together.

He is smart, but how he didn't know, is priceless. I giggled at his understanding. His eyes looked at me once more.

"So you're the one I saw, on the hospital rooftop. The anger coming from my Rosie." He spoke with clarification.

"Right you are, Eros baby." I sexually taunted.

He shifted his pelvis forward, loving his name roll from my tongue. He was mine, and I his, this was destined.

"When were you created?" He asked. Staying on topic.

"Last summer." Keeping my words short and sweet. Wanting to hear more of his dangerous voice.

"How?" He asked placing a pointer finger against his temple, his knuckles against the corner of his lips.

I rolled my eyes, he wasn't speaking very much and I wanted to talk. Anger seemed to be the only way to get what I wanted.

"How what?" I asked dumbly. That should do it. He has a short fuse, kinda like Aeshma.

Luscious eyes pierced my soul, a rush of warmth, heading south to my core.

"How were you created!" He forcefully yelled. Making me ache for his touch.

"When Rose, killed for the first time." The words left my lips as if a fairy tale, began. "She ran over a dog, killing an innocent."

"Killing a pet, created you?" He huffed a laugh, deep chuckle. It was so sexy. "Lies." He spat.

I looked at him a little hurt, he wasn't understanding.

"Your Rosie, couldn't handle taking a life." I hissed at him. "She killed an innocent, and in ordinate for her to put that pain away, she created me. Only I have always been here, since birth. Just hiding in the Mind Maze. Until one day, a red door showed up and poof, I came into the world." I sassed.

He looked over my body from head to toe examining me once more, before speaking.

"Since birth?" He questioned.

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