Black Rose

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Sheriff Randy POV

The fire engulfed the Violance home, the air saturated in dark smoke. Mr. and Mrs. Violance, cradled one another watching in agonizing pain. Not only was there home, ablaze but Rose was missing. I tried to run into the flames, to bring their baby girl, to their arms. But the fire squad forcibly restrained me. Apart from the cries, the only sound echoing in the air was the snaps and crackles. The homes structure slowly crumbling, under the blazing heat. Rose's screams fell silent if she was in the fire.

She was gone.

The brothers stood shocked, watching as their childhood home disappears. Both shocked, and scared, desperate for the sound or sight of their baby sister. As the last firefighters left the flames, they came out empty handed.

The little Rose was gone.

When I hung my head, readying myself to cry for the loss of her. I saw it. A black rose, laying disheveled on the concrete. Barely visible from the flames, eliminating the surrounding area. I picked up the rose, holding it, in my hand, protecting it from the scene, unfolding.

After the house fire, was put out by the fire team. Everyone left, as I escorted the Violance family, to the police station. After arriving, the station was lit with people, all ready to help the family in their time of need. I loved, how this little community pulled together in times of chaos.  Ready to help in any way possible.

I left the grieving family, to the hall of support, eagerly wanting to help. These people could offer more love and support than I ever could. So I left them to head to my office. When I flicked on the light, it's florets flickered, tell them solid light brightened the room. I immediately saw the black rose, sitting on my des top. I took a seat, setting the rose I found at the fire, off to the side.

Laying under the new rose was an envelope, labeled; Sheriff Randy.

I ripped the side of the envelope, opening its width. Shaking the envelope, like a salt shaker, a letter, fell into the palm of my hand. Folded nice and neat, as if the creases were made perfectly. The crisp paper unfolded, the pressure from my fingertips, creased the paper.

Dear, Sheriff Randy

In case you haven't figured out, I will give you a hint. Jack Finley, was the hummingbird killer. Lucuas was his successor, and your Rose is dead.

Tonight was only the beginning.

When you find a body, marked with a black rose. You will know it was me. So Sheriff let's play a game, come find me.


The Hummingbird Killer.

Ps. Catch me if you can.

As I read the last line, deputy Henson knocked on my door.

"Hey, Randy." He said as if about to give me bad news.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Just got a call, to the Finley, home. Had Jackson, go check it out. He found Lucuas Finley, in the cellar, his throat, cut ear to ear." Damn it, he was our lead to Jack. But a thought occurred to me.

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