First Day Back

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"Love you mom and dad! I'll see you tonight!"

Heading out the door to Jeep Jane, I stop to glance at myself in the mirror. I looked cute in this outfit, it's not exactly me, but hey it's a new year. My long black curly hair bounced with every step and a little makeup to sharpen my look. I do look much girlier than normal. How did I let Dena talk me into this shirt? Speaking of Dena, I need to hurry and pick her up, before we are late!

Shutting the door tight behind me, I hurriedly walked to Jane. Tossing my bag in the back, I hopped up into my seat and put the keys in the ignition, to hear my Jane purr. An boy does she purr I tell you, I will never get over her sound. With the breeze in my hair and the sun midway in the sky. I can just feel today is going to be a good day. A new beginning to put my almost death behind me. To move forward and push the limits of my life! And what a better way to do that then start fresh on the first day of school.

Dressed in an outfit I normally wouldn't wear, with a best friend I can't live without.
The thought ran through my head, of how blessed I am to be here and have such amazing people in my life. As my Jeep pulls into Dena's drive. Honking my girl to alert Dena, 'I'm here!' Before I could honk again, Dena dashes out the door, leaving it open for her mother to close. She jumps up into the seat, with her bag across her chest.

"Well what are we waiting for!? We're going to be late!" She frets, out of breath.

I can't help but giggle at her. I mean we have plenty of time, but being late to Dena is thirty minutes early, for everyone else.

"Chill, Kemosabe. We will get there, I promise." I said playfully, rolling my eyes at her.

Pulling out of her drive, Dena's mom hollers out the door. Only I couldn't hear what she said because Dena had already cranked the music. Driving off I turned the music down to ask Dena my question.

"What was all that about?" My right eyebrow raised, expressing my confusion.

"It's nothing, just my mom being naggy like always."
She sassed, as if directing her statement directly to her mother.

"You sure? It's nothing else?" Trying to coax her into spilling. My eyes giving her the 'you can tell me anything' look. But she decided to keep it to herself, prompting me to turn my eyes, back to the road.

"SHIT!" My scream deafening as my car starts to swerve uncontrollably. A female white figure stood in the middle of the road. Only instead of looking through her, I was looking at her. She wasn't lucid to me, but beautiful. Her light shinned brightly, almost blinding me. Her hair still waving in the wind effortlessly.

"ROSE!" Dena screamed. Taking my attention back to the task at hand, to see that my vehicle was about to collide, head on with a black grill guarded pickup. Gripping my steering wheel hard, my hands jerked Jane to the right just in time. The wish of wind grazing past my face as if inches away. The truck continued on it's straight path while I, still swerving manage to straighten Jane out.

"ROSE, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Dena screamed at me, fear still making her voice shake.

"DID YOU SEE HER!?" Clearly I wasn't going crazy, I have seen the same girl twice now.

"HER!? I SAW THE FUCKING TRUCK THAT ALMOST CRUSHED US!" A little more anger laced with her fear.

"You're telling me you didn't see her? Right?" My mind trying to understand what I just saw.

"Rose, what the hell are you talking about? There was nothing there. One minute we are talking and the next you're screaming and swerving the car recklessly." Her hand placed on her heart as if that would help bring her heart rate down. While mine was as steady as can be. Like I said before, I'm an adrenaline junky. It takes a lot to get me going, and this doesn't do it for me.

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