Day Two

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School was school, however I didn't see Eros all day. He wasn't in English and he was never at his locker between classes. The lights kept flickering today as well but instead of just the one light it was a few. Dena must have been right, it had to do something with the water leaking. Lunch had come and gone, but I kinda felt like a zombie, on shark week. Which I'm not btw! Thank god! Still though, I felt like everything was a trigger today. Aside from the fact James asked me on a date, this day was just shit. I really don't think I can deal with all that's happening. I mean I think it's time to tell Dena about my vision. The locket the dark shadows and the fact I can see the white lady, which I'm pretty sure is Sage. But she looks older, more weathered as if death has welcomed her with open arms.

The last bell for the day rang loud in my ears, bringing me back to reality from the daydream I was having. Luckily, my last class of the day is art, so no harm in not paying too much attention. Since I'm already a good artist it's an easy A. Also the fact that Miss Sukup (Sue-Cup) likes me!

"Remember class, we have the art mural to paint next week! Make sure you bring me your pre-determined designs!" Her voice rising to overcome the shouting teens, excited to leave school. Slowly gathering my things I started walking to the door being one of the last students out.

"Rose." Miss Sukup called.

"Yes." I said turning around to see a stern face.

"You are one of my top students and this project is important. I need your design by Friday and I need your help this weekend. There is a lot of prep work to be done." Her eyebrows rising to the ceiling emphasizing how serious she was.

"I already have plans Saturday morning till at least one in the afternoon Miss Sukup." Looking at her with pleading eyes.

"That's Fine, I could use you Friday night and Sunday afternoon!" Her demeanor slowly changing to one of relief. "Don't worry this will go towards your recommendation letter, for college!" She expressed as if she knew I wanted to go to design school.

"Thanks Miss, see you tomorrow!" My voice seeming dull.

"Are you ok Rose?" She asked as I opened the classroom door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said faking a smile.

'No I'm not.' I should have said.

Pushing through the door, I was miserable. I was holding too many things in all at once. What was happening to me. I needed to tell someone, anyone. Well not anyone I'm going to tell Dena she will understand I know she will. I trudged to my locker passing students all excited school was out. Jocks heading to practice, club groups forming to do god knows what with their time. I guess I can't say much, because I'm in design club. But we don't meet all the time, more like once a month.

"Hey Rose!" Killian said pulling me from my train of thought.

"Oh, hey Killian." My out of sorts tone throwing him off.

"Hey, so I know you gave me a ride home yesterday. I was wondering if you could again today." His hand scratching the back of his neck. A look of plea on his face.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing? Now that James is on the varsity football team?" Grilling him with my narrowed eyes.

"Well...." he says hesitating.

"Fine. Killian I will take you home everyday after school." I spat not too happy about the situation but he is my friend and my best friend's boyfriend. So I'm kinda obligated.

"GREAT THANKS!" His glee is a little too over the top for me at the moment.

"Dena!" I shouted down the hall, seeing her walk towards us.

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