Art Mural

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Church service seemed like a never-ending story today. I listened to the sermon, but I couldn't stop myself from glancing back at James every five minutes. When we left I didn't get a chance to see him before his family left for home. Sitting in the back of the church has its advantages.

My parents shook hands and greeted everyone who was in the vicinity. Making our leave home, even longer. It's not that I didn't enjoy talking to everyone. It's just I have a lot of things to do today. When I came across Sheriff Randy.

"Afternoon." He smiled.

"Hey, Randy. Any new leads on the case?" I spoke, trying to sound like a detective. Maybe that would help me get answers.

"I'm getting close." Was all he said. His eyes pierced mine, giving me a feeling of guilt. He's demeanor changed, from the Sunday special, to a man in charge. I must have struck a cord.

"Good." I muttered, awkwardly.

Finally, my parents decided to leave. After getting home, I kicked off my dress shoes and headed strait up stairs. I crashed on to my bed. I wonder why Randy started acting the way he did? Pushing that though aside, I took off my Sunday best, throwing on an old pair of jeans and a dirty paint shirt. I was about to meet Miss Sukup to start on the mural.

That's when my eyes caught sight of the most beautiful throned red rose I have ever seen, laying in the center of my desktop.  Its bloom was at the fullest extent of it cycle. A deep red, looking almost as dark as blood. It only meant one thing, Eros completed his task. Only he couldn't have my soul, the contract was severed. I guess this was just his calling card. Or maybe he was sending me another message. I'm not sure.

I quickly grabbed the black permanent marker, next to the rose. Re-drawing the protection symbol on my left wrist. Maybe the same symbol would work on my house? So taking the same marker, I drew the symbol on my bedroom door. It was worth a shot! I'm in uncharted territory. I quickly ran down to my parent's room, removing a photo on the wall next to their door. I began to draw the same symbol, hopping it would protect my mother.

Finishing the detailed lines, I hung the photo, back on the wall. It was a picture of me and my mother, her only daughter. She stood behind me, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I was probably twelve when this was taken. At that time, life was much simpler and lies were still hidden. I then again had a brilliant idea.

"Mom!" I hollered, skipping down the stairs.

"What? Dear." My mother smiled, sitting in her living room chair, both of my parents watching Sunday TV.

I fumbled down the stairs, speedily moving to her. When I made it to her, I plopped half my butt cheek on the arm of her chair.

"Hey mom, I was wondering. Do you remember when I was ten? We use to draw together, you would alway put a heart on the back of my hand, marking yours exactly like mine. It was our mother-daughter bond." I inched my bum just a little closer, making myself comfortable.

I saw the smile on my mother's face, she remembered. She always did this in time of sadness, if someone bullied me, or just having a rough day. It always made me feel better.

"I do." She smiled all-knowing, her lips pressed together.

"Well, I created this design and it made me think of you. Can I draw it on you?" I asked, showing her my left wrist. Her eyes leaving mine for just a moment, to see what I had done.

"Sure." She ran her fingers over my left wrist, admiring my hand work. "How about you put it on my back shoulder." She smiled.

Normally it would be put on the same spot as mine. But I'm guessing she would have a hard time explaining this to people. So I played my role, smiling and drawing the design, on her right shoulder blade. This would keep her safe. This would give me peace of mind.

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