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Eros POV

Feeling bored with myself, I began to think of my little vixen. She was going to be my prized, succubus. The perfect combination, sweet and innocent, but also a wicked, dark side. Souls like hers don't come around very often and when they do. You have yourself the perfect demon. Once my teeth penitent her soft flesh, she will start to change, becoming what I most desire. My loyal servant, collecting and corrupting lust souls.

What she doesn't know is, I'm one of the seven kings of hell. The king of lust, ruler of sexual desire. Aeshma is the king of wrath, he isn't as old as me, though. Making me stronger, only Satan himself can beat me, for he is the oldest son. The leader of hell, the ruler of pride, the dark angel of music. We fight for damnation, to bastardize as many souls as we can. But the jackass upstairs keeps saving them.

But not this time, this time, I'm going to get what's mine. She will be, my loyal, servant, my second in command, my plaything.

My little vixen where are you? I thought, appearing in the depth of darkness. Her clock read, 3:01am. Oooooh, how I love the witching hour, it calls to me. I stepped, next to her bed, looking down upon her sleeping form. She looked like a mess, smelling nice, but needed to clean her face. When I noticed bruising on her cheek. I ran my fingers softly through her hair, finding stitches upon her head.

What has my little Rosie been doing? Taking my other hand, I placed my fingertips to her scalp. In order for my succubus to be born. I need both Desira and Rosie to be present. I dove into her mind with ease, allowing me to haunt her dreams. I didn't speak, I didn't want her to know I was there. I needed to find Desire before I woke my Rosie.

Tunneling deeper into her mind, I'm farther than I have ever been. Almost like stepping out of her screenplay, I walked into the darkness. And with that darkness, appeared a door. I took hold of the handle, opening it wide, I took a step in. The door stayed wide open, allowing access to both minds.

That's when I saw her. She looked absolutely stunning in her element, coated in blood, stabbing, Lucuas? I walked closer, finally pulling her attention to me. She stood, wearing a skin tight, white shirt, with a black leather jacket around her waist hugged tight jean shorts. Her skin, coated in dark red blood, splattered, along her flesh.

She looked stunning.

She smirked, noticing my eyes roam her figure.

"Like what you see?" She said, with a smirk, cocking her brow.

"I very much do." I whistled back. Desire is more than human. She was born to be a demon, and I was here to make her dreams come true. "Looks like you have been a busy girl." I chastised, waltzing around her.

She smiled, knowing I was checking her out.

"I have." She cooed. "Killed two more." She proudly spoke.

"Two?" I questioned confused. I only see Lucuas's dead body. "Lucuas and who?" I asked, holding an intense gaze with this goddess.

"James." She whispered, into my ear. Giving me the largest tooth showing smile, a demon can give!

"Really?" I quipped. "Show me." I needed the proof.

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