Shadow Stalker

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"Rosie, I'm not here to hurt you. I promise." His voice sounded so sweet, so genuine. Summoning me, with his delectable whispers. I felt scared but safe all in that moment, his voice drawing me nearer. When i opened my eyes, my body lay flat on the bed. I sat up on my bed, searching around the shadowed room. The voice i was searching for wasn't there, until it was. The smokey black figure appeared in the moonlight. His face still hidden in the dark, but his jawline was strong and sharp. His grey eyes shimmer an almost silver.

"I will fight for you Rosie." My breathing hitched as his voice rang in my ears.

Why was he going to fight for me? What does he want from me?

"Because I want you. You're mine." His voice cooed in my head.

Why though? Was I special?

"In time you will know Rosie." He's shadow of a smile flashing me his sharp teeth.

I haven't said a word to him yet he keeps answering all my questions. What is he!?

"You don't have to speak, I can hear your thoughts, my Rosie." His grin widening at my naïve innocence.

"You can hear my thoughts?" My voice quavered.

"Yes, my Rosie. I'm in your head." His seductive smirk widened showing more of his teeth.

Fear stuck me again just from the shock of his teeth. I couldn't help the words shouting from my mouth. I wasn't in control anymore, it was the fear.


Sadness crossed his lips, pinching them into a hard line.

"One day you will beg for me." Threatening his venomous promise. Just before he disappeared into the shadows.

************. ************ ***********

My eyes flutter open, the sun peaking through the curtains. Taking a look at my phone it read 5:27am. Grunting at the fact I'm awake, I sluggishly slipped from my bed. The comforter slew from my body, leaving me chilled. My first step sent me stumbling as I lost my balance, falling not quite so gracefully, to the foot of my desk. My elbow smacked square into the desk chair colliding with my funny bone. An let me tell you, it's not funny. Vigorously rubbing my aching elbow, in hopes of subsiding the pain. I finally found my feet, what caught my eyes next, was the white rose. It was the same rose I found the other day. When I glanced over to the corner of my desk and saw that one wilting. What the hell? Is this a new rose?

Where are they coming from? What do they mean?

Without another thought, I headed straight to the bathroom. I need to decompress, and a hot shower sounds amazing. All these sexually frustrating dreams, leave me wrapped in a bundle of sweat and tears. My fingers itched my scalp, lathering all the dirt and grim way. The slight massage helped ease my mind, if only just for a moment. A blissful quite moment. Until the moment quickly passed, due to the sudden anger that flowed through me. The heat in my veins burned the flesh above. My hair felt a slight tug, before I was ripped to the shower floor. My body forcibly collided with the hard slick floor. Water beating down onto my body below, little pebbles of water attack my eyes. The water pooling around me, more pressure placed upon my throat as if an assault on my life. Frantically flailing around like a fish out of water. I gasped for breath with every ounce of my being not accepting my eminent death. I could feel the heat in my eyes as the blood flow to my brain had stopped. Shallow gasps left my lips, my eyes starting to blur.

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