Wake Up

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"My Rosie. Wake up." His baritone voice sounded angry.

With heavy eyes, I slowly blinked until my vision was no longer blurry. My body sluggishly shifted under the covers. Turning over, from my side to back, propping my weight up on my elbows. My eyes searching the room for the man who haunts my dreams. He sat in a chair on the other side of my room. His silver eyes were the only thing glistening in the darkness. I followed his eyes as he stood, walking to the foot of the bed.

"Rosie, what did I say, yesterday?" He pressed his clawed fingers against my bed. Tilting his head down, showcasing his demonic horns. The angle of his face looked sharp and evil. His eyes partially hooded, under his brow. He was full incubus not hiding an ounce, of his natural appearance.

"I'm yours." I said bitting my lower lip, my eyes dropping from his, to my lap.

"Mmmmmm...." he hummed to my understanding. His reached his hands outward, placing his knees on my bed. "That's right, my Rosie. I protect what is mine." He continued, while crawl up my body. His noise running along the full length of my body. He stoped just inches from my face, straddling me. His cheek grazed my soft flesh, his breath tickling my ear. "I know what you did. I know your plan. If you give yourself to James, I-will-kill-him." He whispered maniacally, drawing out his threat. Before pulling back and locking his gaze with my shocked, blushed face.

"How?" Was the only word I could manage to speak. How did he know? Has he been watching me all day?

Eros smirked, revealing his left elongated canine, pleased with my red cheeks and disbelief.

"Lets just say, I payed madam a visit."  He spat, darkly.

My mind started to fill with sorrow. He probably killed her. She gave me more information than, he probably wanted me to know. She told me how to brake the contract. How to redeem my soul from hell. If only I could have asked her, how to keep Eros out of my dreams. How to protect everyone I cared about from him. If I save myself, he will kill James. Is that a kill I want on my conscience? I like James I don't want him to die because of me.

"Stay away from him. Or else." He warned, kissing my forehead, then vanishing.

A trail of black like tar was left upon my comforter where Eros feet trailed. He must have just come from hell, because that has never happened before. He didn't come to me in a dream this time. He woke me. Maybe with was a way to show how easy it was to hurt me. Or maybe he was seeing how close he could get to me, in real life. My eyes drifted from my bed to my alarm clock. Its neon green light showed 5:16 a.m. I had the sudden urge to pee.

As I left my bed, the cold hit my body sending shivers down my spin. Goosebumps prickled under my skin. The hallway to the bathroom was dark, so I relied on muscle memory to get me to the bathroom safely. The carpet under my feet kept every step as silent as a mouse. My fingers lightly slid against the wall, searching for the switch. With a flick, the bathroom lights blinded my eyes. Squinting, I closed the door, did my business then stoped in front of the mirror.

I can see everyone else's aura, so why not mine. I sat there for a second staring deep into my green eyes. Nothing was happening, so I decided to close them. Maybe I needed to picture it to see. With that final thought, my eyes flickered open. It worked! I saw it! But I'm not sure I like what I see. Surrounding my body was a thin layer of shimmering white. It was more beautiful than I could ever imagine. However, the darkness surrounding my small figure scared me. There was more black, then white, almost like the white was my last line of defense. Protecting me from the darkness surrounding me.

What does that even mean? Why do I have more darkness surrounding me? I always get the heebie-jeebies around those with dark auras. But with me, I had no idea. The more I find out, the less things make since to me. But I know one things for sure, I have to brake my contract with Eros. Find a way to protect the ones I love, and last but not least, identify Sage's killer.

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