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Randy took me into the station's interrogation room, leaving me in my cuffs and sitting me on one of the most uncomfortable chairs you could imagine. The only thing in this room was a metal table that had been bolted to the floor and two steal chairs. My cuffs clinked against the long steel bar bolted on top of the table. Securing me in place. I've always fantasized about being handcuffed. In a different setting of course, but damn these things bite the more I move. It both excited and scared me, to the point of confusion. So I sat there still as can be, waiting for what comes next.

It felt like forever, the clock ticking away. Almost an hour had past when my mother came bursting through the door. Behind her was my father along with a man in a suit. A dark brown suit, with a tan shirt, accompanied by a striped tie. With glasses and a terrible over comb. He was carrying a briefcase in his left hand. A look of disdain plastered on his face.

When Sheriff Randy came in, closing the door behind him, he hadn't even made it an inch into the room before my mother lashed at him.

"Why is she here!? She has done nothing wrong!" Her voice was strong, protective like a mother bear. When my father joined in.

"What's the reason for this Randy?" He quipped, thinking this was a joke.

The man that was accompanying my parents, who must have been our lawyer, finally decided to speak.

"The room, Officer." This man wasn't messing around, he had a very in your face attitude. Definitely a lawyer.

Randy huffed, glaring at the comb-over, just before swiftly turning around and leaving. That's when my mother embraced me from behind. My father asking the lawyer what we should do now? And my wrist started stinging from the sudden impact of my mother's love.

"Ouch." I hissed. Not to my mother but more to the air. It wasn't her fault, but now I was definitely going to have a bruise.

"What's wrong?" She asked worry stretching from her eyes to her lips.

"The cuffs," I muttered, looking at them. "They hurt," I whispered, not liking the situation. I was so confused. Why me?

My mother gently rubbed my back as the lawyer sat in the chair before me. Setting his briefcase on the table, creating a small click sound that echoed.

"Rose, tell me what happened." He was calm and ready for my answer. So, I began to explain what I was doing when Randy arrested me. Ending with the fact Randy hadn't said one word to me other than my Miranda warning.

"Ok, here's how this is going to go." He stated, pointed a finger at me. "You are going to say nothing, unless I tell you, you can speak. Got it?" My eyes grew just a little, shaking my head 'yes'. Then he turned to my parents, gesturing with his hand once again. "You two, ask away."

He stood heading to the door opening it for Randy to step in. It was a moment or two before Randy even came in to view. He must have been sitting in his office down the hall. My lawyer stood beside me while Randy sat down, placing his hands on the table. Eyeing only me. He looked intimidating, to say the least. I wanted to cry like a baby, but I knew that would get me nowhere.

Randy's hands went to his belt, the sound of keys clinking. He took my hands, gently unlocking the cuffs, freeing my delicate wrists. Randy was handling me with care and it seemed odd, out of place from his demeanor. A sigh in relief, wringing my wrist to ease the ache.

"We found new evidence linking Rose to Sage's death. A strand of hair hidden in the black tarp that held her body." He was calm, looking as if he had won.

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