The City

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"Spill." Dena said, her eyes holding me captive.

Feeling panicked, I wasn't sure what she was asking me to spill. I have been lying to her a lot lately and well, everyone else to.

"Um, about what?" My voice sounding a bit like a dumb blond.

"The cafeteria." She plainly stated not amused by my coy reply.

Her ocean blue eyes held steady, with mine. She was not budging until I told her something I didn't even understand.

"All I know is; James and I were talking about our date for Saturday when the whole cafeteria began to shake like an earth quake." But when did it stop? The possessed tables halted, the moment James moved from me.

Eros! Damn him.

"So you didn't see any ghost? Like Sage?" Her expression lightly shifting, softening the lines on her forehead, as they slowly dissipated.

"No." I shook my head. "I saw nothing, but apparently someone or thing was pissed off." I sounded cold, with those words abandoning my lips, and Dena took notice.

"Let's go to the city!" Her voice rang with an idea.

"Dee, the city's like an hour drive. I have to meet my brother Dean at the hospital after school." I was definitely complaining. I hated the city. To many people, to many cars, and to many accidents. If I loose my poor Jane to a schmuck, I will be so livid, they will have to chain me down, with log chains to hold me back. Janes my baby, I have to protect her.

"So that like at three thirty. Come on I want to show you something! I think you need it!" She pleaded with me. Dena has never steered me in the wrong direction. Her big blue eyes asking for approval, while her fat bottom lip comes out, sprouting a pout.

I was slowly starting to cave. I mean she is my soul sister, she knows what I need at this moment. Without a second of hesitation, I simply said, "Ok." And we were off. The time on Janes dash reading twelve thirty-six. We have time to get there and back, we'll be fine.

Soon the forest lands shifted too tall skyscrapers. Our old back county roads shifting to four lane, pristine condition asphalt. With freshly painted lines, the cars slowly filling the empty road. Dena's phone gave us directions straight downtown to a little shop a few blocks away from the center. Trying to find a parking spot downtown, 'Mose City', impossible. We ended up parking four blocks away. I guess it's a good thing I have on my walking shoes.

I could see the excitement in Dena's eyes. The squeal that left her mouth had me just a little worried. Where was she taking me? We walked street to street heading back downtown to our destination, walking past some not so lucky homeless individuals. A man, smelling of booze and passed out on the bus bench, had my lungs gasping for fresh air. It made me feel extremely bad for the guy. When my body bumped into Dena's back affectingly halting our movement.

With a wild smile and mischief in her eyes, she beamed at me with elation.

"We're here." She said swinging her right arm up, addressing the business name.

"Madam Tanda" My eyes drifted from the tacky oracle sign, to Dena's figure.

All she did was smiled widely, wiggled her brows and took off to the front door. We came to a damn psychic. What the hell Dena. Rolling my eyes I followed suit. Here goes nothing.

Dena's little body pushed through the door. The chime sounded alerting whom ever, someone had entered. A little old vary dark skinned lady, revealed herself from around a bookshelf. She was dressed in a yellow colorful garb, wearing a beautiful head wrap, like a crown. Across her neck lay a red beaded necklace. She looked to be in her seventies, and her voice sounded foreign, when she greeted the pair of us.

"Hello. How Body?" She smiled invitingly.

Dena smiled brightly, and I mustered up my best grin. The women continued to walk closer to us, walking in a slow pace, as if time meant nothing to her. Dena stepped closer to her affectively closing the gap, to shake her hand. 

"Hi, my names Dena and this is my friend Rose. We came today for a reading." Dena's hand firmly placed in the elder woman's. Her other hand came up to cup the back side of Dena's.

"Na So?" She said still holding Dena's hand. It was a little hard to understand her. I wish Dena would have told me so I could have looked up some common phrases. Soon she gestured to a table in the back. More like a corner in the dark, where no one could see us.

Dena and I followed her lead, sitting in the chairs  directly across from hers. Her wrinkled hands faced palm up, lax on the black table cloth. Preparing herself to open up to us or the other side, I wasn't sure which. But I would roll with it ether way. Her little corner was filled with white candles, and yellow flowers looking like a trumpet. They where beautiful and they smelled equally divine. A spiritual place, one that puts your nerves at ease, enough to relax the mind anyway. I could feel the energy of this space, full of negative and positive expression.

"Wetin dey happen?" My guess was, 'What happened?' So before Dena could utter another word, I stepped into talk. Wanting to take back the little control I still have in my life. I started my story.

"Madam Tanda, I am seeing things that I shouldn't. Dark figures, auras, a spirit and a demon." I calmly told her like it was just another Friday afternoon. "I want to know how to make it stop."

Her frail fingers curled, signaling she wanted my hands. When my palms collided with hers, a wave of darkness flushed over my body. Pain, pleasure, longing, and finally acceptance, all washed through my veins. This wasn't from me this was from her, I was feeling her emotions. Her eyes wide with shock, when she uttered the words.

"Bust my skeroo."

Dedicated to: ur_favouritexx thank you so much for helping with the language!

"Bust my skeroo." Means 'to blow ones mind.'

What do you all think of Madam Tanda.

This was hard for me to write but I'm trying to challenge myself. The. Next chapter is going to be even harder.

Madam Tanda is from Nigeria if you wanted to look up any words.

Let me know what you think of this chapter! Thanks all!

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Thanks again!

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