The Vision

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'It's dark in this room, almost like a bag is placed over my head. My mouth feels dry, like a thick rag is suppressing my tongue. A chilly draft brushes my skin, only my body doesn't react, with goosebumps. My wrists are bound behind my back. The searing pain of the rope nipping my skin, with every struggle for freedom. It smells musky like a basement, but there's a strong smell of peppermint in the air. My body is cold against the concrete floor. The only thing covering my body is a white tank top, with my Victoria Secret grey cheeky panties.

I don't know how long I've been down here, because there's no windows. I couldn't tell you if it was day or night, just darkness surrounding me. The only light given, was a broken white lamp, with a red light bulb. Why is it so hard to see? When I hear the lock of an old door click, the creek alarming me that the door is opening. Heavy footsteps thunder against the concrete walls. When his arms wrap around my chest, squeezing my rib cage, suppressing my air flow. My feet float in the air, kicking as I try to squirm. This only infuriates him more as he tightens his hold. I'm afraid, panicked even, if he squeezes any tighter I might pass out. I mentally try to calm, leaving my body limp in his arms as dead weight. Becoming heavier, my feet are placed firmly on the cold hard pad. When he tugs at my mouth, releasing my aching mouth muscles.

"I thought I told you, I liked it when you screamed."

His face is covered by a plain white face mask. The only details I can see are green eyes peeking through. His voice is deep and low almost sounding digital. He places his hand firmly around my neck, but I refuse to scream. I gasp for air, gripping his wrist in hope of overpowering him, but to no avail. \My airway starts to close, my breathing becomes almost non-existent. Dear god help me. Please! Anyone!'

Stumbling back from Sages hand, my body gasps for air. Shit. It's almost like I'm drowning all over again. My throat feels like a vice grip was just crushing my windpipe. Letting out a few coughs to ignite my lungs to breath. I topple over clutching my knees, focusing on the task at hand. Breath I tell myself, just breath. A few more wavering breaths fill my lungs before my eyes revert back to Sage. She's gone. Damn, why can't she ever just stay in one place long enough for me to understand her. Trying to grasp what just happened, I climbed back into Jeep Jane finishing my ride home. This day has been by far the weirdest day of my life and I just want to decompress. I mentally pinch the bridge of my nose. Why is this happening to me? Does Sage think that because I died and came back to life I don't deserve to live!? Why is she haunting me!? All these questions ran through my mind, frantically pacing back and forth against the carpet of my bedroom floor. When the knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts.

"Pumpkin, can I come in?" My mother's soft voice seeps through the doors seams.

"Sure, mom." I said while opening the door. Stepping to the side for my mother to enter my very cluttered room.

"Oh Rose, this room is disgusting." She says distastefully scanning my room.

"This is my domain mom. Remember our deal?" I scoffed, irritated.

Or had she already forgotten?

"Yes Rose, I remember. But still this is my house, I don't want rats."  

Rats? Gross it's not like I have food up here.

"Mom it's just a messy room, I don't have food or anything else that attracts them." Still annoyed at the fact she is trying to void our deal. " I keep the house clean of all my things and you leave my room alone. Mom."

"Fine." She says, throwing her hands in the air as if waving the white flag. Grabbing my hand to usher me to sit on the edge of my bed with her. Cradling my hands in hers.

"But what I really came up to tell you was; you know you can tell me anything hunny. I will always be here and I won't judge you. So if you need to get anything off your chest, please call me first." Her eyes filled with love as she stared into mine. Water filled her eyes, but she has yet to shed a tear. "I love you Rose and what happened to you almost killed me. If I where to ever lose you, I don't know what I would do." The tears suddenly, start falling like a river.

My eyes swell at the love and affection my mother has for me, her only daughter. Someday I want her to be proud and know that she has raised a strong woman. Because of her I am the little independent fire cracker I am today.

"I love you too, mom," I choked out. Embracing her with a huge hug. Her hand cupping the back of my head, lightly kissing my cheek. When my stomach growls.

We chuckle lightly brighten the mood.

"Well on that note, dinners ready!" My mom winking.

Dinner was great, a big family meal with my brothers and parents. We haven't done this in a while, maybe with me dying, everyone decided it was time for us to spend more time together. We laughed and enjoyed some old memories. While my brothers fought over who got the last biscuit, before my dad swooped in and got it. Leaving everyone in a laughter filled room. This was exactly what I needed after a day like today. Feeling and seeing what Sage felt just drained any ounce of happyiness I had. But being here with them, made it all better.

"Well thanks for the laughs, but I think I'm going to head to bed." Standing I take my plate to the kitchen sink.

"Night sis!" My brothers call to me.

"Sweet dreams, Rosebud." My dad smiles.

"Good night pumpkin." My mother chimes.

"Night all! See you tomorrow." I said back heading up the stairs to tackle my homework before bed.


Looking at my alarm the clock says 11:57 pm. I just finished my last math problem and my eyes are so heavy I could sleep over my desk. Sluggishly taking off my jeans and top, I decided I'm too lazy to throw a shirt on, so a bra and panties it is. Before I realized I was falling asleep, my dreams took hold.


Another update for you lovelies! Sage is starting to get a little bolder and Rose is still confused as to why this is happening to her. Imagine if one day u woke and could start seeing dead people. So far it's just sage but who knows maybe some others will appear.

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