Friday Night Smash

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Rose POV

Smash Week flew by, filled with pep rallies and games. Dena still seemed a little broken, from what Eros did to her, but she was getting better. I drew the protection symbol on her left shoulder, out of sight from prying eyes. Killian seemed to coddle her, protecting his true love. It was sweet how possessive he became, unwilling to let her be alone. He didn't want her to harm herself, but he also didn't know about Eros. Dena wouldn't tell him, I was the only one that knew.

Killian only thought she was having nightmares. That was basically true, they were nightmares, only different. When a demon takes hold of your mind, it's like hellfire erupts, you become, weak, venerable and terrified. It's like a slice of hell just settled in and its claws, don't want to let you go, no matter how much you thrash, it only making the pain deeper. Your only defense is to let what's happening, happen.

Speaking of Eros, the last time I saw him, he slapped me a cross the face, hard. When I woke, he was gone, and my cheek was bruised. The print of four fingers, stained across my skin. Looking more yellow then purple, today. Thank goodness. I didn't have to use as much makeup to cover it, this morning. I didn't tell anyone, I couldn't. Dena was my best friend and she was hurting, because of me.

If I told her what Eros did to me, it would make her pain feel less. Less than important, and I didn't want that. I could handle Eros, I could handle anything. So I kept my mouth shut, put on a brave face, and came to school. Eros wasn't around, causing chaos like usual. It makes me wonder what, he's doing. Probably haunting another poor soul.

Two arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind as the bell started ringing, pulling me from my train of thought.


James was wearing his letterman's jacket.

"Hey gorgeous." He cooed, nuzzling my neck. A giggle coming from my heart. He's to cute.

"Hey handsome." I copied back, turning in his arms, looking up at his big beautiful blue eyes. Looping my arms around his neck. He looked extra dashing today, all decked out in game day clothes.

My athlete.

"You ready?" He said, swaying us back and forth a little. I nodded, 'yes', picking up my bag. James dropping one of his arms, to walk beside me. Still curled under his thick arm, we walked to his car.

That's right, his car. For the past week, Killian and Dena have been inseparable. So Killian has been borrowing his, mom's car. Taking Dena to and from school. Leaving me and James, to do as we pleased. I can't say I hated it, because in all honesty, I loved it. This past week feels like, we have been on cloud nine. Not that I would know what that feels like. But I imagine it feels this amazing.

I smiled as James turned off onto a deserted road, looking like dust with shaded trees. This little spot became ours, every day this past week. He pulled off to the side and turning off his engine. Those big beautiful blue oceans, looked at me with want. Unclipping my seat belt, I crawled awkwardly across his lap, straddling this handsome hunk of mine, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How'd I get so lucky?" James uttered, inching his way to my waiting lips.

His hands, gliding up my bare thighs, wrapping around my bum. With a little squeeze he pulled me closer, causing my body to flush.

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