Story Board

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Without wasting another minute, after dinner I went strait to bed. Eros would surely visit my dreams, making it the perfect opportunity to get the answers I needed. Only I tossed and turned for hours, my mind not shutting off. I kept going over the story board Randy had. The house, the lake, the extra news articles, all of it still a mystery to me. Maybe I need a story board of my own to peace together everything I have learned. Without a second thought I jumped out of bed, heading to my desk. A large cork board sits on the wall, covered with pictures of past memories. Speedily I pulled pins, releasing photos. Neatly stacking them to the side, for safe keeping. I started rummaging through them, to find the right picture. Got it!

It was a picture showing, James, Killian, Dena and myself from last summer. Here's my starting point, pinning it to the top. I started sketching people and events I remembered. The dead body, sage contacting me, the dark shadows. Slowly pining them on the board as more details filled my brain. If someone were to walk in, I'm sure they would think I was crazy. So far the story board showed:

The four of us at the lake.
Drowning, cot on Sages rope.
The shadow figures I keep seeing.
The recurring sex dreams.
Eros showing up to school.
Finding the locket; the humming bird.
The vision; the strong smell of peppermint.
Invisible attack, on my neck.
Eros; Incubus.
Hunter green house.
Other dead girls.

After satisfied with my pyramid, chain of events, I took to my lap top. Researching, all I could about Incubus demons.

[ in-kyuh-buhs, ing- ]

noun, plural in·cu·bi [in-kyuh-bahy, ing-] , in·cu·bus·es.

An imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons, especially one fabled to have sexual intercourse with women during their sleep.

Often in nightmares/night terrors, Incubus feed off of women's sexual energy. They may seem harmless, but they are very dangerous. Often killing or impregnating there victims.

Well we haven't had sex yet. He told me not yet. I wonder why? Just another question I will have to ask him. Because let me tell you I have a plethora. That boy or should I say man, or I guess demon?...... Anyway that Incubus has some major explaining to do! My tummy turns in knots just thinking about how furious I am with him. Or is it another feel of adoration? I'm defiantly not in love with the guy that's for sure. Although he does intrigue me and bend my body to his will. But that's just lust and I'm a teen so that's what I'm chalking it up to. He doesn't seem like he wants to kill me or impregnate me as far as I know. I guess I will just tack that on to my question list.

Pushing that aside, I started researching more about the other missing girls. Girls with the same age and discrimination as Sage, missing. Young, beautiful, blond and tinny. Not necessarily tinny as in short but thin in figure. When I stumbled upon a map someone created. One that showed places/towns the girls went missing from. All surrounding our little town, 'Salix'. Named after the geniality of the willow trees of course.

Sages death wasn't on the map, giving the fact no one really knew she was dead yet, other than the town. But word will spread like wild fire, alerting another girl added to the list. When the news catches hold of information, it will be anywhere and everywhere for the world to see. Sad for the victims and there family's but good to inform other girls of the same stature to watch out!

From the dots on the map, it looks to be eight girls in total, not including Sage. The only difference is there body's where buried. Not submerged, meaning there was more evidence collected from those victims. The article just beneath the map stated;

Female body's found buried in the towns they where taken. Each girl was found half naked with ropes binding there hands and feet. Wearing only a white tattered tank top and there underwear. The same DNA was found on each victim.

Corners and anthropologist all agree the victims were beaten and finally strangled. Resulting in there inevitable deaths. The victims ages ranged from sixteen to eighteen. All females, all blonds and all with bright futures.

Sad to think these girls didn't know one another and that the only reason they died was because they all looked the same. Printing off the map and articles, I penned them to the board as well. Now that's it's out here to see, my mind feels at ease. Taking a step back I admire my hard work, that was a lot of sketching. Sneaking a glance at my clock it neon green numbers, say 2:45. I can't help the yawn sneaking up on me, my mouth widening it's full extent. Time to hit the hay, before I kill over on this desk. It's going to be an early morning. Maybe I can just play hokey and say I'm sick. Sleep in all day and go check out that green house. Randy did say it was the one closest to the lake. Maybe the person who lives there might have saw something.

My head hits the pillow still wearing my clothes from the day. I'm to tired to strip, so I curl up into a ball and start to dream. Only my alarm goes off and it's 6:30am. That son of a bitch didn't come see me. He's avoiding me now I bet. Well fine fuck him. I already know the truth! Well some of it! But still I can do my own research without him. Stopping myself before I went on another angry rant, lasting a life time. I looked to my desk, another rose sitting upon it only this time it was different. This time it was more. It's meaning changing, from purity and innocence to unity.


Hey guys here's an update for you! I'm bring it in a little more to the clues roes is starting to see past the vail. Eros helped her to see his true form only Rose doesn't quite grasp the fact she controls what she sees.

This is my first time writing a story/murder board. How did i do?

Vote comment thanks loves!!!

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