That was Unexpected

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I was so mad at James for trying to turn this around on me. It was his fault not mine. I ordered him to take me home. But when I started noticing we where not on the house to my house. I decided it was time to speak up.

"I said, home James."

"I know but I think we should go some place quieter to talk. We need to talk about this." He calmly stated. Not taking his eyes off the road.

When a church came in to view. Not just and church, but our church. 'The Advent Christian Church,' a place I would be going tomorrow morning, for mass. Maybe he thought this was a mutual place for the two of us. He pulled his car in to one of the front spots, turning his engine off.

"Well, come on." He said while getting out of his car. I followed, and sure enough the door were open. I haven't been to church since my accident, and I have to tell you it felt amazing. The moment I walked in the doors, I was on hollow ground. It felt like the chains that held me down, snapped into millions of little fragments. I could breath.

"Let's go to the prayer room." James featured to the South end of the church. A small room with no windows, just a chair a pillow and a cross hanging on the wall. When this very dirty thought came busting into my brain. I'm on hollow ground, demons can't come here. The words madam Tunda told me, rushed through my brain like speeding bullets. 'To brake the contract, you have to lose your virginity, to someone else.' This may be my only chance to do sever the bond between Eros and I.

God forgive me.

James and I walked in to the prayer room. He went first while I followed, locking the door behind me. Last thing I need is the pastor, walking in on us.

"I'm sorry, I should have said something to Gia. You were right, I didn't want to be the bad guy." He's voice was quiet, and hard to hear. Probably due to the fact his back was facing me. It took me by surprise for him to give so easily. I thought we were about to create world war three in the back of the church.

"I'm sorry, I should have told her we were on a date. We should have left. I felt hurt you didn't say anything. I thought you liked Gia and wanted to spend time with her." I felt so much sadness, leave with every word, leaving my lips.

James turned around and hugged my tinny figure, my little arms braiding with his limbs. This felt so warm and welcoming, feeling as thought all was forgive and a miss understanding.

"Gia fell in the water, because she tried to kiss me." When he spoke I could feel his chin resting on the crest of my head. "She let go of her rope, and I didn't bother to catch her." He chuckled.

That made my stomach full to the brim with butterflies. Not only the fact he, rejected her, but he could have saved Gia from her fall and didn't. He really did like me and there was no need for me to inflict revenge on Gia any longer.

I craned my head back to look into his handsome sky blue eyes. Our sweaty body's not leaving any room for air. When he sat his forehead against mine. The want in my lips becoming unbearable, waiting for his kiss. When his lips gently caressed mine, tasting of salt. Until our tongues, slowly searched every inch of each others mouths. Then all I could taste was the sweet mint, James must have put in his mouth earlier.

Maybe he had planned this all along, either way, I'm happy it happened and I now wanted to test the waters.

I slowly started to sensually rub my hand over his back, deepening our kiss. I brought my hand closer to the front of his waist band. Looping my index finger right agains his (V) line, he pulled away from kissing me.

"We should stop." He confessed heavily breath, he sigh. But like I said this was my only chance. So I desperately and needly, spoke with no regret.

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