Deja vu Dream

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Warning! Sexual content another wet dream! It's basically the hole chapter!!! Sorry! It's PG-13 now a days! Just saying!

"Rosie.....Rosie.....I have been waiting for you." His voice alluring, my body aching for his touch. He slowly walks from the shadows, meeting the edge of my bed. He's wearing dark ripped jeans with nothing else. This sexy god like man in front of me is mouth watering. The moonlight shining directly on his chiseled chest and abdomen. His face hidden, just inches behind the shadow. His eyes glow a deep grey, stroking over my half naked body.

"Oh Rosie you look so beautiful." His sultry voice driving my insides wild, awaiting his touch. My body lay relaxed, my hands above my head waiting for him to ravish me. My left leg crossing my right arching my lower back off the bed. Giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his arm underneath me.

"Looks like you have been waiting for me too." He says darkly, the grey in his eyes becoming black. While his right hand grazes my crossed legs, from my ankles to my hip. My heat becoming unbearable, with my legs clenched together. When his right hand swiftly curls under my back, tugging me closer to him.

"Spread your legs." He demands, his commanding voice watering my flower even more. Complying to his request my legs widen, the chilled air hitting my damp panties. I can see his deep inhale as his muscular chest rises.

"Satan! You smell amazing. So sweet and innocent, intoxicating my Rosie."  Taking his place between my legs his hard sex inches above my throbbing flower. His right arm still wrapped under my lower back, he slams me into his sex hard. Sending vibrations through my core, he takes both his hands clutching my waist. He thrusts in to me, rubbing, circling, caressing every inch of him on to every inch of me. The build deep in my belly is a familiar one. His fingers digging deeper into my soft flesh, with every thrust.

"Do you feel that....our bond." His voice heavy and breathless with every thrust.

All I can manage to do is nod my head, softly 'yes'. The only sounds leaving my mouth are moans of pleasure. His hands glide from my hips to my breasts, rubbing my erect buds. Sending shudders through my body. With every thrust my legs clench around him. My body bending to his every will, he's control consumes me, with every thrust. I can't take his pleasure filled thrusts anymore. My body on the verge of the best orgasm I've ever had. My breath became ragged as my moans become louder.

"Cum for me Rosie. Now." He demands, pinching my right bud painfully. He released his pinch, giving my body just what it needs to send me spiraling.

"I need you." I whimper for more, than just his dry hump. He leaves soft kisses on my forehead.

"Soon. Very soon." His devilish smile reveals his canine teeth. The lust I once felt collides with the fear I now feel from the man who stands above me. This happy dream rapidly turned into a nightmare. My eyes widen, my body shakes involuntarily. The fear sending me frantically scotching, my back hitting against the headboard.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shout, frantically kicking my legs.

Not another word escapes my mouth, the fear rendering me speechless. My breathing hitches, feeling like an elephant is crushing my lungs. The man stands taking a step forward.

"Rosie, don't be scared. Not of me." He says commanding yet sensitive, almost nurturing.

When he reaches his hand out to cup my chin. My head turns away as I clench my eyes tight. Fear evident to the man standing before me. I can't breath, I think I'm having another panic attack. My heart rate increasing, I can feel my chest throbbing with pain. Heaving.

"ROSIE WAKE UP!" He shouts. "DO IT ROSIE!"


My eyes spring open, my breathing non-existent. Gasping for air I can't catch my breath. 'What is happening!? It was just a nightmare, calm down!' I tell myself. The moment my heart starts to slow I can finally catch my breath. My head is throbbing with a headache, my core soaked and my body shivering. Why do I keep having this same dream? Why did my mind do this to me? How could I twist my lust filled dream into a nightmare? What's wrong with me.

Looking over at my side table the clock reads 3:00 am. The witching hour. Great. The only time of night your body is subject to possession. If you haven't already heard of the witching hour, let me drop some knowledge on you. 3:00 am is said to be the time when the veil between two worlds is open. Allowing possession of a human soul more accessible. At least that's what they tell us anyways.

I just so happen to wake up at 3:00 am having a nightmare, of a grey eyed boy with fangs. Lights flicker around me and I keep seeing the women in white. When I died could it be possible that now I can see the veil? I shake the thought from my head, that's crazy talking and I'm sure it can all be explained some other way. Resting my head back down on my pillow, I curl up into a ball under the sheets. I say a quick prayer hoping god will allow my dream to stay pure.

"God, hey it's me again. I know it's been a while since we have talked. But I would really appreciate it if you would clear my mind. Allow me the strength I need, to push all these bad thoughts out of my head. I almost forgot! Thank you for bringing me back to life. I know I should have talked to you in the hospital! But you know me, better than I know myself. In your name I pray. Amen."

Relaxing my body, taking deep breaths my mind follows suit. Deep sleep calls my name just when I take my last deep breath. Rest greets me with open arms.

"Good night Moon"


Another up date for my loves thanks for reading don't forget to vote. Who has had a crazy sex dream that has turned out not they way u though it would? I know i have! Have you heard of the witching hour it's was like the scariest thing when u was a kid just like bloody marry!

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