Deep in the Willow

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Eros's slim filled hands released their vice grip from my waist, turning me around. The palm of his hand pushed against my chest, making me stumble backwards. The bark on the truck smashes against my soft flesh. Creating small scratches against my shoulder blades. I felt something wet ooze between my breasts. Eros's hands were covered in black slim.

Behind him was a man, standing six, maybe seven feet tall. He was very muscular looking similar to a body builder on steroids. His body was covered with a thin layer of hair and plenty of battle scars. The most prominent scar started from his left eyebrow, running down his cheek, stoping at his chin. He had large canine teeth bulging from his lips. The only clothing he wore, was a brown leather looking fabric. Draped strategically over his privates, he also had leather straps across his hairy chest. A look that screamed primitive, like a viking with caveman heritage.

The look he held gave me the impression, he enjoyed inflicting pain and I was his next victim. The scowl on his face was hard, like he despised my very existence. The pressure Eros was putting on my chest deepened, causing my attention to focus back on him. He stood before me in his full demonic glory. Displeased with me, his hard glare threatening me. When he spoke, his words equaled his exact emotions. Anger, jealousy and frustration.

"What did I tell you Rosie? You are mine. You belong to me. Your soul is mine, to do with what I please. You cannot run from me, you cannot hide. I will always find you." With his words the big man behind him grunted. Infuriated at what Eros was saying, that or annoyed. I couldn't tell. Eros just ignored him, while my eyes flickered down, ashamed of myself. I put myself in this position.

"Tell her." The big brute grumbled.

Eros's muck filled hand left my chest, his knuckles sliding under my chin. With little pressure, he tilt my chin so my green eyes locked with his. "We have much to talk about my Rosie. I suggest you sit down." He said this to me in the softest voice I have ever heard come from him. So without a word, I nodded my head, 'yes'. I was about to slide down the tree truck to sit in the grass, but Eros picked me up effortlessly, placing me upon one of the large willow branches, bringing me closer to eye level, for the two giants surrounding me.

The big grizzly grumbled under his breath yet again, before Eros started to speak.

"Rosie, this is Aeshma, a wrath demon. The wrath demon I fought, to claim you, to be exact." My eyes flickered between the two. The realization came to me in that moment, I was happy Eros won. Because I have no idea how that barbarian would use me.

"Aeshma here, well he owns your brother and your father's souls. The Finley's. They do as he says, helping Aeshma to collect more souls. " What he was saying made my brain hurt swell as my heart. I knew when I left after dinner it was darkness surrounding them. But I would never expected it to be a demons claim. I thought the dark auras I was seeing was a persons emotions. The hate they held with in them. I guess it's true in a way. Eros continued.

"Because you are part of that family your soul is to be given to him. However, I won the fight for your soul. But even I have noticed in our encounters there is something inside you. Something dark that Aeshma feeds on. He doesn't know what you did, but part of your soul will be willed to him, when I allow." He spoke as if this was another contract, like splitting my soul in half was even possible. I felt confused, scared but mostly out right infuriated. They were treating me as if I was properly to give and take. Well, guess what? That's not happening.

"You have no claim to me, when I brake our contract." I spat at Eros, not caring of his wrath. Then I turned my attention to the caveman standing with his arms crossed, making his arms look like basketballs.

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