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Storming out of sight, my body felt as if I were going to collapse. It's all just too much for me, demons, spirits, deaths. Now a father that hasn't been my father. He's nothing to me. My real dad is Joe, Joe Violance. Nothing is going to change that, ever. Pushing through a heavy grey door I found the stairs again. Descending down into my sadness, anger and confusion all blinding my sight. Until I hit another door, double doors, to be more exact. On my right the sign said, 'Morgue, Room, 366'.

I paused for just a moment contemplating whether to turn around or push forward. Then it dawned on me, Sage. Her body has to still be in here, it's an ongoing investigation. Pushing through the grey double doors, the stench of bleach and freezing air hit my senses. The lights were dim, with only a few lighting the storage boxes, to the wall left of me. Two autopsy tables lay in the center of the room. One lay empty while the other had a fairly large figure upon it. Covered with a paper sheet, head to toe hiding the person who lye beneath it.

I'm slightly intrigued, wanting to snoop at whose under the paper cloth. But I find it best to let me keep wondering. I have seen enough dead bodies in my lifetime. Not only that but I'm going to have to search through the freezer doors, to find Sage. Unaware of my surroundings, my hip bumps into a tray filled with surgical tools. The sound of metal clinking, echoes in the muted room. My body on edge, I couldn't help the jolt, followed by a small yelp. I wasn't scared, I was just spooked. It's just me and the dead bodies, my own sound startled me, that's all.

Regaining my balance and composure, I opened the first drawer, top left. Swinging the door it's hinges creek, sending a shiver down my spin. It's cold in here but, the freezing below temperatures coming from this container, equals that of frostbite. When the foggy air dissipated, two feet stuck out. A tan tag tied to the the left toe, my fingers daintily touch the tag trying to read. The fact that it's not very well lit in here makes it hard. Trying to get better lighting, my fingers curl under the freezing metal, tugging lightly. The draw slides out just enough, the feet are now under that canned lighting, illuminating the freezer.

The tag read; Georgia Tipner, Female, Age 36, Case #207.

Sorry Georgia Tipner, not who I'm looking for. Pushing her back into the draw, my right hand swings the door shut, a click emphasizing, it's latch. I noticed it had a red sticker on the door. I took a step back examining the drawers, noticing the four by four freezer has others. Checking my theory I opened the bottom left drawer, no body. Chucking the door shut, I went to the next red tagged door. Third on the top right hand side. Those tags must mean there's a body occupying the space. Sure enough, I was right! Two feet hidden in the fog, very large feet. I'm sure this isn't Sage, but I read the tag nonetheless.

Quinton Scott, Male, Age 57, Case #143.

If it had a description of the man or how he died, I'm sure it would say, it was from obesity. That man barely fit in the drawer. But whatever to each their own, he chose his life and now he's here.

Next my fingers fell, to the second row, second drawer. Tugging the handle up, releasing its latch. Two more feet, it's tag reading; Gloria Jones, Female, Age 89, Case #204. My guess to her death is old age. Just a hunch, not that I'm right, but it's fun to guess. Swinging her door closed, my hands found the next drawer, bottom right second to last drawer.

Tugging it open, a pair of slender petite feet, angled laterally, sat frozen. I didn't even need to look at the tags to know this was Sage. But I looked just to make sure. Sage Spiriteen, Female, Age 17, Case #156. No need to guess why Sage died, because I'm going to find out. Curling my chilled fingers around the bottom of her drawer, I pulled. Revealing Sages body draped in a white paper cloth, covering her chest to her ankles. Her arms tucked just under the sheet, not large enough to curl under her, frozen figure.

Her body looked ghostly white, just like I remembered it. But now instead of her body trying to float in the undercurrent. She was still, frozen, I'm afraid if I touch her she would break. Her body giving off the porcelain doll vibe. Then it occurred to me. I haven't seen Sage, since Eros took the locket off my neck. I wonder?

Standing next to Sages body I placed my right hand on her left shoulder. The only flesh showing, I was somewhat comfortable touching. Her body was ice cold to the touch, making me want to retract my clammy hand. Breaking the deathly silence, I called to her.

"Sage." My voice quiet almost a whisper. "Sage if you can hear me. Come forward." My body leaned down taking in her features, wondering if her body would jump right off the cold hard slab.

Without warning a rush of anger spiraled through me. Fear struck every cord in my being. Confusion pulsed deep in my belly, almost like anxiety ripping within. My breath almost completely knocked out of my lungs, making me gasping for air. Why does she always take my breath away? My left hand clutching my throat, my right hand still holding strong to Sage's dead flesh. It's like a strong magnet, connecting our tissue, becoming one.

Sage's spirit floated across from me, standing on the other side of her body. Her eyes sending beams of hate into my soul. Her hand points to her neck. Revealing evidence, I looked over before, bruises just under her jaw, strangulation. I watched as she curled her fingers into a fist, my air way slowly compressing taking what oxygen I still had, away. Was she trying to kill me? What did I do to deserve this?

My eyes began to burn, I could feel the heat from the blood compression, just under my eyes. Gasping, Choking, convulsing, trying to get any air to breach my lungs. My swollen eyes, filled with tears sweep back to Sages ghostly figure. She tried to speak only for water to gargle any words. Her emotions reading frustration unable to speak, unable to communicate. Her cold stare, sent another chill down my spine. Her finger landing inches from my face.

"K-i-l-mm." She gurgled out, still drowning back her words. "K-i-l-mm", she babbled once again.

My body couldn't handle her torture any longer. I could feel my knees getting weak. Black spots coating my vision. I was passing out, a familiar feeling I was becoming accustomed to. With heavy arms my body, relaxed my heads slowly dipping. My knees buckled, releasing my stability. I welcomed the darkness, because I could breath.


Wow Y'all I'm really proud of this chapter! I would love to hear your thoughts!!

Please Vote, Comment, Share!!! Thanks everyone! Btw if anyone want to creat a bad ass cover for my book feel free i will dedicate a chapter to you and put you in the book bio!


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